About it and discussed today. I must say thatoil cumin we have not really known, but in the East it is very much appreciated. Black cumin - the seeds of herbaceous plants of the family Ranunculaceae. Have black cumin and other name - black coriander and Nigella sowing. Since black seed is very fragrant, they are used as a spice, as well as for the manufacture of oil. In the Eastoil cumin used since ancient times as a remedy for many diseases. Also, this oil is widely used in Ayurveda. The composition of black cumin oil is unique - it contains many useful substances, such as myristic, oleic, linoleic, stearic, petroselinic acid, zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorus, copper, vitamin E, beta-carotene and more.
No wonder this oil so prized in the East, because it helps with many wonderful dermatological diseases. For example,oil cumin can be used for eczema - several times a day applied to the affected skin. Very useful to take this oil inside. Usually it is recommended to drink with honey, washed down with a mixture of herbal tea - is not only useful but also delicious. Furthermore, it is a good prophylactic against urinary tract diseases. In almost all ailments shownoil cumin. Thus, this tool can draw the attention of high blood pressure. They are encouraged to do the following mixture: 100 ml oil cumin, lemon juice and honey, mix well, take on an empty stomach every morning and evening for one tablespoon. Important: the mixture necessarily need to be refrigerated. If you suffer from any allergies, such as food or household chemicals, try to drink the oil. If you do this regularly, you can reduce the appearance of allergies.
Journal JustLady already mentioned that black seed oil has been used for many centuries in the East as a natural medicine. It is noteworthy that in our time studying the properties of black cumin come to grips with the scientists, and as a result of studies were able to confirm the unique value of this product. By studying the chemical composition of the oil of cumin, scientists have found that this oil contains fatty acids such that can only be found in moreprodutkah and nowhere else. Also during the studies it was found thatblack cumin oil helps prevent cancer of the blood. Moreover, during regular use of the oil significantly improves the condition of the bone marrow and the blood is updated. There is another feature of the oil, which is much appreciated - is a unique oil has a good effect on the work of the thymus gland, very important for the human immune system. Cumin oil strengthens our body, helping it to fight many diseases, such as diarrheal and acute respiratory infections, as well as with various types of allergies. JustLady results and this property of black cumin oil: application of this oil helps reduce the moles and warts. After this procedure, warts does not leave any trace.
Black cumin oil: application
Black cumin oil is used to strengthen the immune system, stimulate the body. Furthermore,black cumin oil, the use of which strengthens the body and helps to get rid of kidney stones and bladder. This unique oil helps to remove warts, cures shortness of breath, cough, runny nose, helps with asthma and bronchitis. Oil effectively helps the stomach, especially when indigestion. Has a good influence duodenal ulcer and stomach, helps with liver disease, arthritis, inflammation of the nasal passages. This is particularly oil can advise women who unstable menstrual cycle - the regular use of this oil helps to normalize the cycle.
Black cumin oil: Properties
Among the properties of cumin oil are: antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal properties. In addition, it eliminates the itching, helps to relieve inflammation in the skin. This oil eliminates bacteria overgrowth and helps the intestines, promotes weight loss, cholesterol, increases appetite. As a result, studies have found that this oil for its antibacterial properties effective even many antibiotics.
Black cumin oil: properties for the skin
The unique properties of cumin oil make it an effective tool to restore the skin for many diseases. The oil helps to restore any type of problem skin with acute inflammation, allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis. Oil has regenerating, tonic and resolving action. It cleanses the skin very well, but because of the oil can make a mask for deep cleaning of the skin. This oil can be used for hair treatment, for example, seborrhea. Also, this oil makes the skin more elastic, so it can be used as a mask for décolleté.
Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady