Rich in B vitamins that are beneficial to memory and nervous system. One of the most useful cereal is oats, among other things, improve cerebral blood flow.
2. Nuts, Seeds
An excellent source of fatty acids, iron and phosphorus, as well as vitamin E, reduced memory warning.
3. Blueberries
Contains the whole complex of nutrients (vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, tannins, organic acids, a set of essential trace elements, flavonoids), warning premature aging of brain cells and increases their life cycle.
4. Dried fruits
The boron source, improves coordination, concentration and memory. Dried fruits also contain other useful substances for the brain. Dried apricots, for example, stimulates the brain is rich in iron and ascorbic acid, which helps the gland fully assimilated.
5. Fish
Any fish contains a lot of useful phosphorus for the brain, nervous system essential omega-3 fatty acids and gives clarity to the mind of iodine. Among the different varieties of fish the best source of omega-3 fatty acids is salmon. Also very useful is the cod fish species rich in selenium improves mood.
6. Tomatoes
In excess contain lycopene, which protects cells from free radical damage. Therefore, regular consumption of tomatoes is an excellent prevention of dementia. Tomatoes are also a good source of vitamin B4, helps the brain to process and assimilate information.
7. chicken breast and beef liver
B vitamins that contain these foods are beneficial to the nervous system and improves memory.
8. Kiwi
Daily intake of vitamin C is found just one kiwi. It is known that vitamin C - a great antioxidant that protects the brain from the damaging effects of free radicals. By the way, a good source of vitamin C is also black currant and wild rose.
9. Shellfish
Rich in vitamin B12 and zinc. These substances are needed for different areas of the brain responsible for memory, emotion, sleep, and for the transmission of nerve impulses. Provide the body with the daily norm of zinc can also be eating a handful of pumpkin seeds.
10. Laminaria
Contains a set of essential trace elements, including a large amount of iodine to maintain normal functioning of the nervous system and enhances memory.
11. Dark chocolate
Cocoa beans are an excellent source of magnesium, helps to maintain memory.
12. Carrots
Contained in this vegetable beta-carotene prevents aging of brain cells caused by free radicals.