Opportunity to avoid embarrassment and misunderstanding exists. Moreover, most of your fears really just far-fetched and should not take place. But should start with in order to cease to feel Ellochka lyudoedochkoy as soon as you have to say something.
Of course, you can pre-write whatever you want to convey to the audience on a sheet of paper. But this is not the best option for several reasons. Firstly, it will not save you in a situation when you need to give a speech impromptu. Habit play written, on the contrary, will only exacerbate the state of numbness. Secondly, even the most kind and good words to loved ones, sound less sincere, if you peeping in a crib. Third, it is a struggle not with internal sources of fear and panic, and with their external manifestations: their removal will not lead to the disappearance of this cause.
But what do you do? The advice is simple: do not be afraid. Run it is not easy and will require you to work hard. Help in this case can the arguments showing that, for fear there is really no reason to. You apply the words of love and affection to people close to you. They know you well enough and your words tell them exactly what you are trying to convey. Why did you begin to doubt that you will understand where there is distrust of the favorite? After all, this is disbelief. Release these thoughts, trust your family.
Who is afraid of appearing ridiculous. But think about it: for whom you say toast or speech? For themselves, for others or for those who are celebrating? The correct answer should be only one, when it comes to your favorite people and he is the last. So you should not worry about the impression that your speech will make the rest - it is important to convey what you want to perpetrators or hero for the day. If you care how you look in the eyes of others, then this is probably not sincere congratulations and attempt to public speaking. To make it successful, there are many ways, but they require separate consideration.
So you're convinced that in an environment close and loving people should not be afraid to say kind words - even stereotyped wishes for health and happiness will sound pathetic, if you put them in their feelings and sincerity.
But there is another important piece of advice that will save you from embarrassment. No wonder they say that in each case need training. Conversation - is no exception. Do not wait for an excuse to say words of love to their loved ones, because they need them, not only on a certain day, but constantly. They want to hear you want to feel your warmth. It is important to your support and participation. Just say the word in time can be a boon.