Do not buy a single thing, buy a functional set. Despite the fact that women love to spend hours shopping, it is a man appreciates that the lining of the box, in which lay a platinum jar with gold ornaments were made of pure silk.
Man, especially growing up, likes chic, it is worth it and you present as a gift. Pick something that maybe he already has, but let replacement will be better, better and dearer to him. But remember, men - terrible conservatives to dad could love and "accept" the gift, he had his whole appearance to talk about that, "I - the best."
Is repelled by his interests and get to the point. Your father is well versed in the alcoholic beverages and appreciate his skill taster? Give him a special set of elegant glass and eyeglasses for the study of information on the bottle. Or perhaps he a gambler? Then the best gift for him would be a set of cards or dice with his own initials, which will cause you any jewelry shop. Whatever fond of your father - buy exactly from what his eyes begin to shine.
Give your dad the memory of you and those years that you spent. Multifunctional electronic frame with your photos and your voice instead of an alarm clock - a great way to please him.
Remind Dad about the years of his youth. Purchase at a flea market gramophone old model or buy a new one, is not so difficult to manage and some records "of the time." He will appreciate such a gift.