Yoga or Pilates: what is the difference and what to choose?

Yoga or Pilates: what is the difference and what to choose?
 Recently, it was yoga and Pilates occupy the top of the charts in the types of physical activity for women. It is fashionable, simple and useful perspective: daily pay for an hour of time to yourself and your body. We can only choose what to prefer: pilates or yoga? This can be understood, to learn more about each type of study and understand how the greatest of these meets your needs.


This teaching of the Eastern sages considered the best way to relieve stress accumulated life in the city, nervous and tense relations work with home. Yoga - more than just fitness, it includes knowledge of the inner world, the development of harmony in the human soul. A lot of time in the yoga asanas paid not only to (exercise), and meditation. Coaches warn those who expect from yoga intensive weight loss, better to turn to other types of dispute, for example, power or running exercises.

However, yoga classes allow good hold a weight, they are perfectly develop joint flexibility, allow to cope with osteochondrosis. The most popular form of yoga in Russia - hatha yoga, she uses different muscle groups of the whole body, although the part of it may seem that many of her posture - are static and do not require much effort. Of course, a course for beginners looks lightweight, but even with the first classes, research scientists in the body drastically reduces the amount of stress hormones and increases the flexibility of the body, it appears easy.


This type of lightweight sport was invented for wounded soldiers during World War II by George Pilates. Principle classes is that all movements are performed slowly without large power load on the organism. In this regular Pilates strengthens perfectly straight and oblique abdominal muscles, thighs and buttocks, which is especially important for those who are concerned about the appearance and tone your body.

Pilates also creates good posture, which also has a beneficial effect in the figure, because with straightened his back and straightened his shoulders stomach visually retracts. In this case, pilates, and yoga as a very slow burn those extra pounds in your body, its principle - in a slow and gradual. That is why Pilates is recommended even for those who for various reasons are prohibited usual aerobics, Weight Training and Fitness.

What to choose?

Advantages and yoga and Pilates is that they can be engaged in the hall under the guidance of coach and at home, alone, sitting in front of the video course included. However, Pilates may require more additional devices, such as fitball or elastic band.

Both of these classes are practicing proper breathing, but with different objectives. Breathing in a certain way, in Pilates you saturate the lungs with oxygen, as in yoga - trying to reach a state of peace. The similarity of the two techniques, perhaps, come to an end.

Choosing a type of training that suits you, try on a pair of lessons and yoga, and Pilates. But first ask yourself: what results are you waiting for? If you want to become more flexible and thus more easy if you are interested in aerobics combined with philosophy, it would have like more yoga.

If the same goal - to strengthen the abdominal muscles and back muscles, gradually develop physical endurance, and at the same time treat a sore back, your choice - Pilates. By the way, many people prefer to combine and alternate these two classes: under moderate loads no harm to the body in yoga and Pilates to no one but a benefit.

Tags: difference, yogi, pilates