How to straighten the spine

How to straighten the spine
 Scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis - all diseases of the spine, in which disturbed posture with the correct natural curve. Very often they occur in children during adolescence. How can self-straighten the spine and that this should be done?  
 Curvature of the spine not only leads to a deterioration of posture, but causes disruption of the internal organs. Therefore, to prevent scoliosis parents need to carefully monitor how their children are sitting, to provide them with more opportunities for sports and create conditions for healthy sleep.

Scoliosis curvature of the spine is possible in any direction and in all departments. When the disease increases sharply in the inner tension disks and individual vertebral bodies. The spine becomes inflexible, rigid, unable to withstand a variety of stresses. Develop pathological processes.

Treat scoliosis just busy sports meaningless. More help physiotherapy or benign conditions of life. For example, some doctors recommend children to sit less, even offer to carry out homework, lying on his stomach. There are special braces to treat scoliosis. Chiropractors are also trying to straighten the spine.

But the most effective, perhaps, is to create conditions in which the spine is most of the time will be able to protivoizgiba. Furthermore, it is necessary to apply different measures for alignment of the musculoskeletal system.

There are special postures that if used consistently will help get rid of the curve. So, if your child lumbar scoliosis, teach him to sit by placing under one buttock book. Then the muscles relax with this side and on the other, on the contrary, will strain. Spine at the same time turn the other way, which will contribute to its correction.

Instead, the book can lay a leg. So sit comfortably at a party or in a park on a bench or in other places, even in school.

If the patient suffers from lumbar scoliosis left-hand, then let it cost as much as possible, relying on the left leg. A right-hand bend slightly, dropping the right half of the pelvis.

Those who suffer from lumbar scoliosis should remember that sitting and standing, they unconsciously take that position, which is convenient scoliosis. Therefore, the need to constantly monitor the situation and take a protivoizgiba.

Tags: spine