How to develop the plastic body

How to develop the plastic body
 Develop the flexibility and plasticity of the body is best, of course, as a child. However, to become mobile and can be graceful and later in life, if you regularly perform special exercises at home, exercise at the fitness club or get excited about dancing.
 Before proceeding to the course on the development of flexible and plastic, should be a complete examination to identify diseases that could be exacerbated if you're too self loading. But in any case, to carry out any course of exercise to exhaustion is not worth it, especially at first. Do yoga or pilates, and you can independently learn, for example, the following exercises.

Sit on the floor, bend your knees, spread them apart as far as possible, then connect the foot and slide them as close to the lower abdomen. Control your breathing: inspiratory pull up on the exhale - down; breast should be tense. Close your eyes and try to imagine what your breasts suddenly became very heavy and literally pulls you down. Keep your back at the same level, and relax your hips. Try to stay in this position for three minutes, after which the inspiratory slowly return to starting position.

Turn around and lie down on his right side, while relying on both hands. Continue to monitor breathing. Inspiratory chest to tighten the left knee and left hand grab her foot. Slowly, without a sharp tug, pull the leg up, straightening the knee fully. Try to stay in this position for at least two or three minutes, and then, on the breath, just slowly lower the leg to the floor. Roll over on your left side and repeat this exercise.

Do not forget to do exercises before starting the workout. It may be a little jogging or normal charging, but longer than usual. Try to use it during all muscle groups.

Nevertheless, if you think yourself to master these exercises you do not succeed, sign up to the club, where do pilates or yoga, and ask the coach recommendations. Help develop plastics and dancing - not only ballroom and modern, or such as belly dance or striptease.

Tags: development, body plastic