Bringing the body flexibility!

Bringing the body flexibility!
 Flexibility of the body depends on the degree of stretching of the muscles and joints of elaboration. Age does not affect the flexibility of the body, the rigidity of the body can be observed in very young age, and a woman of 60 - 70 years can easily impress his banner. Any woman can become flexible, more importantly regularly joint exercises and stretch. Include exercises that develop flexibility in their morning exercises, and after a few weeks you will feel significant changes in your body.

Mash all the major joints in your body. Stand with your hands in front of him, slowly bend and unbend fingers, having worked carpal, elbow and shoulder joints by rotating them in both directions. Transfer the body weight on the left leg, right, lift off the floor, use a circular motion in the hip, knee and ankle joints. Repeat on the left leg workout.

Stand with your hands behind your back to hook the "lock", feet shoulder width apart. On the exhale, tilt your upper body down, lift your hands behind your head. Hold the pose 2 - 3 minutes. During an exercise, try to relax the muscles of the arms to the joints naturally twisted. With inhalation take a starting position of the body.

Sit on the floor, bend your legs at the knees, spread them apart and your feet connect and tighten as close to the groin. On the inhale, pull the crown up, straighten your back. On the exhale, lower your upper body to the floor, put his hands in front of him. Do not round your back, try to relax the muscles of the body. Perform each exercise for 4 - 5 minutes. With breath return to starting position.

Sit with your feet as much as possible, spread to the sides, put his hands in front of him on the floor. On the inhale, pull the crown up, lift your straight arm above his head. With an exhalation, bend sideways to the right leg and completely relax your body. Hold the pose for 3 minutes. On the inhale, return to the starting position, then repeat the slope to the left leg.

Get on your knees, shins, spread as widely as possible, lower the arms along the body. On the exhale, fold the body back and falls back on the floor, helping himself with his hands. Fully lie down on the floor, breathing diaphragmatic (belly). Perform each exercise for 3 minutes, then with the breath return to starting position. If you have to lie completely still does not work, then lower back to the floor so low, as it allows the body to the floor and leaned his hands or elbows. Each time, try to go down below.

Tags: stretching, body flexibility