Supermodel Megan Fox

Supermodel Megan Fox
 Supermodel Megan Fox has a luxurious feminine figure, which is advantageous for the submission of any designer clothes. For this reason, a lot of the girl removed for fashion magazines and from time to time appears in the movie, where it forms literally rivet viewers to the screen.
 It is hard to imagine without his luxurious Hollywood beauties, but even among many people in this dream factory stands Megan Fox. Already subsided disputes about how many plastic surgeries had to move the girl to buy this sexy image and become a supermodel. Now it does not matter - the leading fashion magazines vying offer her shoot for the cover, and photographers dream to work with her very photogenic face and figure.

Beauty Megan Fox can be explained by mixing of Irish, French and Native American blood. It childhood was very plastic, she danced and studied acting. She always liked to be the center of attention, this is a very important quality for a future star. From the very beginning of his career as a model and actor, Megan knew that success largely depends on its appearance.

Height Megan Fox is only 168 cm, which is not a model parameter. However, thanks to Kate Moss, it's no longer a problem, and Megan willingly was invited to a photo shoot. It is especially famous for filming in the style of "nude" for men's magazines, which has consistently received very positive reviews from their readers. In fact, it is this area of ​​her career attracted the attention of the producers of the blockbuster "Transformers" in 2007. Then the aspiring actress was only 20 years old.

Modeling career Megan Fox continues in parallel with the shooting in the movie. She removed to advertise cars, for example, the firm works with Pontiac and by Motorola, introducing new models of mobile phones. It is curious that while creating a video for Motorola revealed that Megan Fox has a congenital abnormality in the structure of the hand. Because of this, thumbs disproportionately small compared to the others. For a close-up brush Megan understudy had to take, but it had no impact on her career. The proposals are still no end, and see this shortcoming in the photos is difficult.

Megan Fox continues to appear in advertisements. In 2012, she became the face of Sharper Image, which has been producing electronic devices. On the advertising poster Megan appeared in his usual sexual roles, reclining on a bed in black stockings and a white blouse strict. In her hands she held a new flat plate from Sharper Image. We can only guess how many men rushed to the stores to buy new.

Tags: model, magazine, photography, fashion, supermodel, Fox