The most effective exercises for thighs

The most effective exercises for thighs
 Beautiful taut thighs - every woman's dream. Narrow trousers and mini skirts, tight slender legs, men are magically. How to achieve the desired harmony? The main thing - do not be lazy and do this the most effective exercises for the hips.

Excellent results can be achieved using simple and familiar exercises - squats. It is very easy exercise: squat can be both at home and at work. The number of sit-ups - at your discretion, but not to the point of exhaustion. Only do they need every day.

Another effective exercise for the thighs are lunges. It is more complicated than squats. If you have not played sports, start with five lunges on each leg. Gradually bring to fifteen shots.

Technique of such attacks: Stand straight and take a step forward, starting with the right foot. When you touch the floor, lower the left knee down as low as possible. Return to the upright position and do the same with the other leg lunge.

Very effective exercises for the hips - kicks. In addition, you will strengthen the gluteal muscles. We offer you two types of swings.

Mahi on all fours. Get down on all fours, keeping your back straight. Do mahi straightened right or left leg, trying to lift his leg as high as possible. If you want to increase the load, do not lower the leg to the floor. On each leg for 10-15 swings.

Foot moves to the side. Performed well on all fours. Lift the right or left leg to the side, bending it at the knee. Lifting height - buttocks. Do not forget to watch your back - it should not bend or buckle.

The following simple exercise for the thighs and buttocks - the rise of the pelvis. Despite its simplicity, this exercise effectively.

Lie down on the floor, bending your knees and placing them on the shoulder-width apart. Squeeze the glutes and lift your pelvis, stopping at the highest point in the 5-7 seconds.

If you need to strengthen the side of the hips, the pelvis is reduced when lifting your knees together, and when lowered - divorce. Do not place the bowl on the floor.

By performing these exercises every day, you will achieve excellent results. The main thing - the purpose and perseverance.

Tags: leg, buttocks, thighs, exercise, squats, max, lunge