How to remove dangling belly

How to remove dangling belly
 Shapely, toned body - a symbol of beauty, health, active lifestyle. Striving to be in good shape, have a perfect body is now more than overdue. However, there are fans kustodievskih forms. But even the latter do not like big sagging belly.
 Dangling belly - it is indeed a problem. It can occur due to many factors: the dramatic weight loss, childbirth, liposuction, etc. Tummy can start your "growth" of the sedentary lifestyle of sedentary work in the use of high-calorie foods, complex carbohydrates and fats, soda and soft drinks. For many people, genetic makeup, suggesting deposition of adipose tissue in the abdomen. But the positive is that it is easier to stomach just remove unwanted wrinkles!

There are many ways to have a flat stomach. But on the selected direction will depend on the form.
The most effective - is to pump up the press. Required power load, but it's pretty fast and efficiently. But there are some deviations. Adipose tissue is replaced by a muscular, bulging tummy flattening may even appear embossed cubes, but the waist is less than negligible. And the second - you must regularly exercise, as the muscles at rest about a month zhirok appears very quickly.

The next way - is an active, dynamic exercises, exercises based on fat burning in the waist area. It may simply be hot dances 30- 50 minutes. Stomach goes, there is a thin waist. Need to perform in continuous mode (the fat burning process starts after about 20 minutes of active warming up). As with the previous method requires regularity, the desired result will be a little later, but please in lost inches.

And finally - a low-calorie or low-carb diet. The result is - the stomach very quickly "leaves", but to save this result, such a diet should be followed consistently. Another negative - with a large abdominal fat loss in this way gives a greater likelihood of "apron" - sagging skin, stretch marks, micro-cracks, sagging. If exercise is not acceptable for reasons of health or other reasons, it must be accompanied by weight loss diet massage, hydrotherapy contrasting temperatures, cosmetics skin care and even wearing compression underwear. And, of course, in this case should not resort to a sharp rejection of food, it will not only bring a lot of problems the skin, but also overall health.

The most ideal option - it is a reasonable approach. Namely, regular exercises, hulahup little strength exercises to strengthen the muscles, swimming. The elastic is taut tummy corset will help train and be drawn during the meal will not allow the stomach to take unlimited amounts. When the procedure "a bit of everything," the body does not feel drastic changes, it will not come stress, respectively, he will not seek opportunities to postpone the stock in the form of fat cells in the most inappropriate places.

Tags: stomach, deliverance