How to eat before and after exercise

How to eat before and after exercise
 Anyone who seeks to adjust your weight and body shape with the help of fitness should pay particular attention to their nutrition. Part involved make two big mistakes: eat the same as before, thinking that now they themselves will lose weight, just visit the training, or sit on a rigid diet excluding from their diet important food. Inclusion in the life of intensive training should take place against the backdrop of serious correction power.

Morning workouts are often committed on an empty stomach, and therefore dealing with fatigue, malaise, and fall into a drowsy state. Even if you did not want to eat in the morning, overpower yourself and consume little carbohydrate or protein. It may be vegetables, fruits, cheese sandwich, boiled egg, etc. This breakfast will be enough for 30-40 minutes of intense exercise.

If you visit a daytime or evening workout meal may be more crowded: brown rice, spaghetti, dietary meat, meatless soup, etc. Most importantly, do not eat immediately before exercise. Give your body at least an hour, so that he could absorb a significant portion of food. After all, during your workout you have a large portion of the blood goes to the muscles, and after eating it should be directed to the digestive organs. If the body at the same time will work in these two directions, you own hands to ruin your digestive tract.

After exercise is not recommended immediately start eating. Allow at least 1, 5 hours, otherwise all eaten immediately add extra inches on your body.

Before training and after be sure to drink clean water. Every 15 minutes, do a sip of water, it will help restore the water-salt balance.

The exercising human diet should include carbohydrates, proteins, some fat, and all vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc. That is, the food should be as diverse and useful.

Tags: Ambassador, nutrition, exercise, diet, athlete