Exercises for the rapid reduction of waist

 How to reduce waist and make a flat stomach and sexy. According to recent reports of scientists who have studied the parameters of sexual attraction, the most important part of the female body - not a full chest and long legs and waist! And, most importantly - do not meet strict canons of fashion 90-60-90, and - proportionality.  

If nature has endowed you big bones, and a large body, then do not try to bring the volume up to his waist cherished numbers. You should not izmuchal themselves, and will not look sexy, but it is a pity. I have never seen a man who would like it when a woman stick out edges, like a stray dog. It is possible that your ideal volume, not 60, and 70.

Remember - not all men like cubes on a woman's belly, so overzealous in this matter is not worth it. However, hanging, flabby stomach, certainly not like anyone.

Exercise 1

Stand with your legs wide apart. Bend your arms, having closed them on the back of the head. Begin to perform side bends. Try to keep your back straight and bend down as low as possible. Repeat 8-12 times.

Exercise 2

Take a long stick, hold it slightly bent arms, putting a stick behind the neck. Begin to make turns in hand. Be sure to turn only the upper part of the body and pelvis remained motionless. Repeat 8-12 times.

Exercise 3

Original position, as in exercise 2. Now you need to complicate turns, combining them with slopes. During the slopes shoulder line must be parallel to the floor. Repeat 4-8 times.

Exercise 4

Lie on your back. Bend the right leg at the knee and place it on the floor. Put your left foot to the right. Left hand to pull to the side, palm up, right - put on his head. Straining the muscles of the abdomen, chest move diagonally to the left knee as long as the right-hand paddle is off the floor. Then slowly lower. Repeat 4-8 times and turn to the other side.

Exercise 5

Lay not your back, bend your knees. Put your hands along the body. Lift your upper body. In this alternate drag left hand to your right knee and your right hand to your left knee. It is important that the blade is completely cut off from the floor. Repeat 4-8 times.

Exercise 6

Lying is not back, lift slightly bent legs and cross them. Lower the right foot, then lift back up and change the upper and lower legs places. Then lower the leg to the other side and lift the back. Repeat 8-12 times the slopes.

In between exercises you can relax with benefit - namely twist hoop. This will allow you to recuperate without interrupting your workout.

Bertha Breuer

Tags: press, abdomen, thigh, waist, exercise, reduction