Read the labels correctly

Read the labels correctly
 You purchased the product from a natural or artificial tissue and do not know how to care for it? Pay attention to the label, because the information on the care of this thing lies in the very symbols printed on it.
 Image of a basin of water means that the product can be subjected to soaking, washing, rinsing, heat. If the painted palm, it is strictly required hand wash and spin without much friction at a temperature no higher than 40 degrees. The figure basin with no palms, but there is the number 30? Permissible machine and hand washing at the same temperature. If the bottom of the figure stands at horizontal line, use manual or machine wash with delicate cycle. If there are two dashes recommended delicate wash in plenty of water and rinse at low speeds within the specified temperature. If the basin is crossed - wash the product is prohibited.

The label depicts a circle in the middle of the square is inscribed? Machine wash is forbidden. The triangle indicates that the product can be bleached, crossed triangle - Do not bleach. If the inside of the triangle stands icon Cl, permissible whitening in cold water with chlorine provided completely dissolve the powder. Icon Cl crossed? You can safely whiten the product that do not contain chlorine.

On the possibility of cleaning said image circle, and if it is crossed out, dry cleaning is prohibited. The letters located inside the circle
indicate the use of cleaning of certain assets with a definite composition. For example, the letter A indicates the possibility of using any of the conventional solvents, the letter P - cleaning using a hydrocarbon and chlorinated ethylene, the letter F - use of hydrocarbon and triftortrihlormetana (white spirit). The horizontal bar under the terms of any of the letters warns gentle cleaning mode.

A square with an inscribed circle says that you can wring out and dry your clothes in the washing machine or Electric driers for laundry, if the symbol is crossed out - you can not. Horizontal line below this figure (uncrossed) indicates a gentle pressing and drying, two traits - for delicate spin and drying. A square with an inscribed circle and three dots indicates the drying at high temperature, with two - in the middle, with the audio - low (gentle drying). Uncrossed twisted strip prohibits squeeze the product. If the square in front of you with three vertical stripes, drying should be no spin. Horizontal line inside the square warns of drying on a horizontal surface. Square with two diagonal lines in the upper left corner indicates the drying in the shade.

If, among other characters have an image of iron, the product can be ironed. Iron crossed out? Iron this thing is forbidden. One point in the center of the iron indicates low temperature during ironing (up to 110 degrees) and is recommended for synthetics. Two points - on the ironing cotton, linen, silk, viscose and polyester and at temperatures up to 150 degrees through a damp cloth or with humidifier. Three dots indicate a high temperature (200 ° C) and applied to cotton and flax moistened.

Tags: clothing label, symbol, value