Items that you will not be able to return to the store

Items that you will not be able to return to the store
 There is a list of products that you can not return to the store just because you do not like or do not fit into the interior (provided that they are of good quality). However, if you have purchased products online store, you can return the products, even if your order has been performed properly.

Of course, the top of the list of goods that can not be exchanged, food and medicine. However, in some cases, the products can still recover. If you have already discovered after their purchase, the seller deliberately misled you and sold you, such as oil or stale cereal with bugs (though their expiry date you will not arouse suspicion). Another issue is that sometimes it may be necessary expertise. However, if you find that the product is broken, still within the store, you can return or exchange it for a better product other brand (with or without additional charge).

As for drugs here and legislation and internal constitution of any pharmacy chain adamant: only expertise and judgment to help you get the money back. However, if the drug was issued by the attending physician and worsen your condition, then the sword of justice will fall and the manufacturer, and the management of the pharmacy network, and a negligent doctor, prescribe the wrong remedy that the idea was to alleviate your condition.

Among the goods that are not subject to return, and include personal hygiene items, and linens, and any products that may come into contact with food (eg, utensils or packaging materials). These requirements are quite legitimate. Few people have a desire to use someone else's toothbrush or cook baby porridge in the pot, in the possession of the former neighbors alcoholics, albeit briefly.

Can not be returned to the store and household chemicals, agricultural chemicals and building materials, if you do not like their packaging. For example, if the wallpaper of good quality did not match the color of the eyes of the beloved, to exchange them for you at a cost equivalent unlikely. In this case, it will be much easier to change a favorite than negotiate with the seller about returns.

If you for some reason do not like household appliances, automobiles, motorcycles or furniture (it does not matter whether they were purchased for cash or credit), do not have a factory defect, return them to you will not succeed. What to do with them - decide for yourself. You can sell them or give really need these things to people.

The law supports our smaller brethren. If the puppy, whom you have purchased in the nursery, did a couple of other pools on your carpet, you have to return it will not be able, nor will be able to return and ficus in the tub, if the plant does not fit into the interior in size. In other words, neither animals nor plants exchange and are non-refundable, unless the seller does not knowingly misled you and sold you a sick animal or drooping cactus. However, the muzzle or pots can be returned if they do not come in size.

Books and magazines, as well as the wheels of good quality, that you have purchased in a store or kiosk, to return you also will not work even if you do not touch them. The only possibility to at least partially recover their costs, deliver them to the secondhand department or commission.

Finally, non-refundable and exchange weapons and everything connected with it.

Tags: store goods, refund, exchange