How to return the boots in the store

How to return the boots in the store
 Buying shoes - is a crucial step. After all, the quality of the boots is not only the beauty of your suit, but also the health of your feet. Russian laws give you the opportunity to return the shoes to the store if it does not meet quality requirements. How is it done?  
 First you need to understand whether you have the right to return to the store the shoes you want. By law, you can take the shoes back within fourteen days after the purchase, if you have not approached the size of shoes or simply ceased to please. At the same time on it should not be a trace of wear, and it should be returned in their original packaging.

For a quickie, there are other limitations. Each pair of shoes, there is the guarantee period, depending on the material from which it is made, and its design features. And if during this period skin began to crack and peel off the sole, you have every right to return the shoes to the store. In this case, the warranty does not begin to run from the date of purchase, and since that time, you should start wearing this article of clothing. The implication is that you do not go in winter boots in July, even if you bought them this month. Therefore, the warranty period of the shoes will be counted from the first month of the winter of that year, when it was purchased.

There is one more detail. Not in all regions of the country winter starts exactly the first of December. For example, in areas of southern Siberia winter season is officially the period from 1 November until 1 April. In the Arctic region during this period will be even longer. Learn about the official timing of the different seasons in your area you can contact your local department of consumer protection.

If that shoes that you want to return meets the requirements, please bring it to the store, preferably with the box and check. In the absence of proof of purchase you will need to prove the fact of the transaction. To do this, you can find a witness you purchase a pair of shoes in a specific store.

Contact your dealer or to the cashier and tell them that you want to return your purchase. You have the right to receive or similar goods or money. The choice is yours, and store employees can refuse you only if the same pair of shoes is no longer on sale. In this case, you can get the money back.

Upon cancellation seller to make an exchange, please contact the administrator or director of the store. Gave him the essence of your claim. In most cases, your problem is solved, you replace the wrong pair of shoes. If management does not even going to meet you, file a complaint in Federal Service or the Service for Protection of Consumer Rights. They will tell you how to act.

Tags: shop, shoes, boots