How to remove a tumor from bite

How to remove a tumor from bite
 Summer, camping in the woods, an amazing intoxicating air, gurgling brook. And suddenly a shot in the arm or other body part. Every person at least once faced with mosquito bites, wasp or other insect. Of course, in the nice little bite, but even more unpleasant the consequences. As you remove the inflammation of the bite biting insects?
 After the effects of insect bites can be very different - from mild itching to severe allergic reaction requiring emergency call. How to behave if you are bitten by an insect and what should be done first?

First of all, armed with a pair of tweezers. If you are bitten by a bee, it certainly left a sting in the wound. It must be removed. Remove the stinger very carefully, trying not to crush the capsule with poison.

Once removed the sting, bite to be treated with alcohol and rinse with soapy water. Alkali well removes tumors formed after insect bites. If the tumor continues to grow, take any antihistamine.

Now you need to remove the inflammation. Of course, the best solution is to use special ointments and gels designed for the treatment of insect bites. But if those on hand was not, then go to the kitchen and use the means at hand.

For example, a good decongestant effect has soda paste. Dilute a little baking soda with water to a creamy consistency, and apply the resulting mixture to the bite. Moisten soda cake every time it starts to dry.

You can remove the tumor using a cold compress. Wrap a piece of ice cling film, then a napkin and attach to swelling.

If all else fails, the bite continues to swell, inflamed and sore, and you have a fever, headache and chills started, then this attempt at self should be discontinued. Your next step would be to call an ambulance.

And, of course, the best way to get rid of the effects of an insect bite - it does avoid this bite. Therefore, use repellents and being in nature, do not leave exposed parts of the body.

Tags: Ambassador, bee, a consequence of the reaction, insect, swelling, inflammation, bite, mosquito