How to pass the shop coat

How to pass the shop coat
 Buying an expensive fur coat, we rejoice and often do not think about the fact that perhaps there may come a bad moment - the discovery of marriage or the appearance of a latent defect in the product. Try at the time of purchase to overcome the euphoria of acquiring beautiful things and protect themselves in case if you have to get her back.
 First of all, do not buy a fur coat on the market, but only in the company's fur shop. Do not rush into the fitting, as it should consider a fur coat that you liked. Check for the presence of certificates, branded labels. Learn how she sewed on the wrong side.

If the lining is sewn on the hem line to the fur, it is better to refrain from such a purchase. The manufacturer, which has nothing to hide, usually do not sew the lining to the fur. Check how carefully stitched seams, never at a loss whether fur, whether he painted, as it is thick and shiny, and soft membrane. If you are satisfied, and you decide to buy a fur coat, be sure to make sure that you have provided all checks and other documents issued when making a purchase - they are you may need.

If during the warranty period in fur coats, alas, to detect defects or marriage, without wasting time, bring it to the store. Prepare to be that this will be an expensive thing sellers back very reluctantly. Conscientious seller, however, on the basis of cash or marketable check, take your coat back. But unscrupulous will rest until the last.

In order not to waste your time and nerves, do not listen to explanations or persuasion seller - immediately write an application for refund for defective item. Do not try to negotiate with the seller in words - it is useless. Write a statement and be sure to spell it set out in the course of events, when the purchase was made, the end of its warranty period, and what kind of marriage was discovered in the process of socks.

If an unscrupulous seller will be more stubborn - appraised coats. Please refer to the independent expert, in any case, do not go to a specialist who will recommend you to sell - between them may have their own "business" relationship.

Provide the results of the examination the seller, and if it is it will not work - contact an attorney. It will help you to make a claim in court, and in the process will represent your interests. If the court decision will be made in your favor, the defaulting seller will not only be obliged to refund you for the coat, but also reimburse the cost of the examination and the cost of legal fees and court costs.

Preliminary consultation on the issue of return coats you can get for free at the Department of consumer protection in your neighborhood or city.

Tags: shop coat