How to identify a mink

How to identify a mink
 Mink products are increasingly being fake. Fraudsters so skillfully treated fur of other animals that cheating is very difficult to detect, and sometimes even impossible. To protect yourself from "false" mink follow simple recommendations.
 Go shopping at the largest interior fur. It is not necessary to buy expensive product on the market, because it is there and there is a huge number of fakes. Of course, in the shop coat will cost you much more expensive, but you will protect yourself from buying a fake. The problem is not that fake fur will be very different in appearance. No, it will simply be worn much less, because a fake mink fur mainly rabbit or groundhog. Other skin or are expensive, or have strong visual differences.

Rabbit fur is softer than that of the mink, and therefore less wearing time - 1-2 years, in some cases a little longer. If you have never petted rabbits, then go over the different departments shopping center or the bazaar and touch various products. At the touch of these two fur very well differ. Go back to the shop where you will find a potential purchase. Wave the hand against fur; if he quickly recovers its shape, so before you mink. Otherwise, the purchase should be abandoned.

Marmot fur also attracts scammers its cheapness. When properly finish it very difficult to distinguish from mink. Yet there is one characteristic feature - length hairs. Slide two fingers and the fur look. If there are hairs shorter than the bulk, before you fake. Better not to purchase a product that was not then sorry for the wasted money spent. It is worth noting that the marmot fur as strict as that of mink. But as he had not been trimmed, the undercoat is still noticeable.

Mink also has a special luster, if it is viewed under sunlight. If the weather is cloudy, then bring your product closer to the light bulb. Hairs should be poured. Of course, other fur too shiny, but still not as much as mink.

Pay attention to the hem of the product. Lining to the skins do not usually sew. If it pristrochena, the manufacturer has something to hide. Just do not buy a fur coat, even if you really like it. Walk around the other salons, see certificates and products. No need to hurry, because all problems arise for this reason.

Tags: mink, fake, product