How to distinguish real from fake leather clothes

How to distinguish real from fake leather clothes
 Distinguish natural leather clothes from counterfeiting is difficult. Recently leather learned so skillfully imitated, that it has even the smell of leather, especially if it is very Italian and Spanish producers. Still, some of the nuances allows you to buy high-quality natural leather, if this issue approached with great care.
 Leather clothing made of natural raw materials, has a tag as a piece of skin on which the logo with the outline of skinning. Leather logo is marked as a diamond, but only a way to distinguish the natural product from a fake can severely upset, as put any logo will not be difficult. Therefore, limited only by this method is still not worth it.

Carefully inspect the place where sewn locking joints or open seams. Cloth backing or sticking thread directly say that clothes made of artificial leather.

Sprinkle the skin clean water. Genuine leather any treatment absorbs moisture and dark. With leatherette drops of water flow down instantly, while its color does not change even slightly.

Branded clothing made of genuine leather has the same color, the thickness of the skins, with the exception of places where guests admits seal - a cuff, collar, pockets. In addition, the leather is very elastic, soft to the touch retains heat. Artificial leather is much stiffer to the touch is always cold.

Push down on the skin with a finger. On the surface must remain a small dent, which will disappear after a few seconds. With repeated bending the bend leather products do not alter the original color and gradually recovered, taking the starting position.

The surest way to distinguish genuine leather from a fake - it set fire to a piece of material of the product. Leather immediately bulges bubbles. Skin almost does not light; if the fire will affect her for a long time, a natural product starts to smolder.

And even better to turn into a reliable trading network, where each of its valued customer and will never sell fake instead of leather.

Tags: clothing, leather, fake, fashion, contrast, substitute