How to distinguish a real toilet water

How to distinguish a real toilet water
 Today to find really high-quality perfume is very difficult, because such products are very popular among the "fake" producers. Of course, one would not pay any attention to it, this eau de toilette is invited or not, but increasingly counterfeiting pose a great danger to health.
 In order to make the right choice when buying a toilet water contact only in specialty stores, where all your favorite options can not only see, but also to assess the smell.

Be sure to inspect the packaging. This perfume is sold in a dense, high-quality box made all the prints on it are applied accurately. If the top is covered with cellophane wrap, make sure that the seams were straight on it, and the cellophane - skin-tight box. Do not forget about labels - they must be spelled correctly, no errors, and necessarily the presence of a bar code.

For high-quality perfume must be present an indication of the country of manufacture, such as Made in France. If instead there is only the word of France, make no mistake - it is a fake. On the packaging also have to provide information on the percentage of alcohol. Sometimes manufacturers specify other ingredients included in the toilet water, including the ratio of essential oils, but this is not necessary.

It is believed that these spirits are available only with the cellophane packaging. In fact it is not. Some firms specifically refuse such processing to a potential buyer could appreciate not only the packaging, but the smell and the shape of the vial. Quality bottles also important. Very often manufacturers specially bought expensive materials for their manufacture: crystal or glass of high quality. More unusual bottle shape, the more likely it is original.

In addition, the well-established manufacturers never be allowed to sell bottles with marriage - balls of air or uneven surface. On the bottle must also be specified quantity of perfume in milliliters.

For quality products at the seller is always a quality certificate, and you have every right to demand it. If you have been denied - so there is every reason to believe that the spirits are fake. If you still have shown the necessary documentation, note the print - it should not be a copy. Yes, and it is issued only for one specific type of product.

Shelf life spirits sealed - 1 year. Experts say that the spirits can be stored and 3 years without any change in quality, but it requires special conditions.

And finally, if you purchased a toilet water again can check its authenticity. Place the bottle in the refrigerator. If the liquid darkens, you can carry it back to the store because it is one hundred percent fake.

Tags: water, fake perfume