How to distinguish a fake from Sapphire

How to distinguish a fake from Sapphire
 Sapphire - a gem, painted in blue, blue, even purple tones. He, of course, is not as expensive as a diamond, but still the price is quite high, so the fraudsters forge profitable this precious mineral. How can ensure that the acquisition - it's a real sapphire, and not a fake?  
 These stones are rarely homogeneous structure - if you look closely, you can see and heterogeneity of the mineral, and different shades of color on the top and bottom of the stone. If any such indication exists, then we can assume that the stone - natural. In artificial sapphire is the same color, structure - more likely - a homogeneous, moreover, a counterfeit will be seen sapphire air bubbles. However, high-quality crafts are made from natural stones, too - such as cyanide or tourmaline, with its complex internal structure - therefore define a forgery is difficult.

Also, you can determine the authenticity of the stone in his strength. Sapphire - it is very durable stone, it is inferior in this capacity only to diamond. If we draw on it with something sharp - stay on the surface of the track should not. A scratch talks about counterfeiting.

In order not to make the wrong choice, it is better to buy this kind of decoration in certain stores, which previously bought jewelry friends or yourself. In addition, sapphire jewelery must be accompanied by a certificate. When you purchase is necessary to pay attention, put down there somewhere in the documents on the stone level of cleanliness - IF Stone. If it is marked, the stone is clearly a fake, because natural sapphire, this figure is not defined.

To make sure you can invite a jeweler to the immediately appreciated the authenticity of the stone. Sapphire - this is quite an expensive purchase to professional fees were fully justified. Thus, to determine the authenticity of professionals can use a number of devices. Refractometer will determine the refractive index, which is different for different stones - sapphire it is in the range of 1, 762-1, 778. If you look at synthetic sapphire under ultraviolet light, it glows green light - it is because in the production of artificial sapphires Titanium is often used.

Tags: fake sapphire