Measure the figure needed in several indicators. First - growth. To get the correct result, razuytes and lean against any surface - walls, door jamb, etc. - So that your back has become smooth. Lower inch to the floor and pull it up to the brim. This will be your growth. Some people just for the measurement put a note in the wall behind him, and then to measure the resulting line.
Next label - this chest. To do this, inch wrap around in the chest so that the measuring tape is held on the most exposed points breasts. To select lingerie and you'll need this parameter, as under the breast girth. Pass the centimeter through the armpits around the body.
Do not forget about the waist. You should not try to become slimmer fitting for the period and involve the stomach. Everything should be natural. Because now the clothes you are looking for today. And if you have a tummy now, nowhere for the next week or two is not going anywhere.
Of course, you also need and hips. Stand so that the feet were together. Tape miss the most "prominent" parts of the body. It should take place approximately at the level of 20 inches from the waist.
To purchase you need trousers lateral length. It is measured by the so - inch down from the thigh bone to the foot on the inner thigh.
To get an accurate measurement, use only new centimeter. Old already stretched and can distort the real picture. The section of bow tight enough, but not tight. Imagine as if it were your clothes - you do not want it to sting you, or has been great. Measurements are made only on a naked body, or over clothing can easily add you to a couple of extra inches.
Then substitute your values in a table and calculate its size. For example, the owner of the parameters of 86-89 - 70-73 - 96-98 will wear the 44th clothing size.
There is also a simplified formula, how to calculate the size of clothes. However, it refers more to the brand of German manufacture. As a rule, the size of the German differs from ours by 6. That is to translate German into Russian, must be added to the specified value of 6. For example, if clothing is the number 38, it means that the owner can choose it all the same 44 th Russian size. French same size different from the Russian by only 4. Calculation, as is the case with the German yardstick, it is necessary to add only 4. So the owners of 44-gauge in the French stores have to look for clothes with a yardstick 40.
If you see the label lettering, it may also consult the table. But remember that most running M and L correspond to the Russian 44-46 and 48-50, respectively.
As for the underwear, it has both alpha and numeric values sizes. And in this case also need to use a special sign. So, chest 82-84 will be hidden under the label 70 A.
For non-standard shapes clothes chosen individually. Drive parameters such people in the average of the table is quite difficult.