How to determine the size of the bracelet

How to determine the size of the bracelet
 Choose the right size bracelet is as important as the ring or shoe. Too small bracelet will be difficult to put on and take off, in addition, you risk damaging yourself ligaments, joints, or at least, the skin on the wrist. Too wide bracelet is bad not only because it can be lost, but also the fact that, with this in mind, you will subconsciously keep a hand in an unnatural position, with a slightly retracted thumb that at the end of the day will lead to a very unpleasant sensations.  
 For the measurements you will need a so called tailor's measuring tape or braid. Also go and a narrow paper strip. Do not measure your wrist thread, it is too thin and therefore unsuitable for this.

Bracelet with clasp

Wrap a strip of fabric around your wrist measurement in the place where you would wear a wristwatch. Make it so that the tape comfortably settled on it, but did not slide and do not restrict movement. Sartorial note on roulette numbers on fabric, paper, ribbon or braid a piece of tailor's measure or felt-tip pen mark the place where the end overlaps with the main cloth.

Apply the strip to the measuring line and measure its length up to the mark. If you plan to buy a bracelet of beads or large units, add about 1 centimeter. Usually adjustable bracelet also has a "rule of thumb", stating that between the band and the wrist should get through the thumb, then you will be comfortable in this decoration. If you agree with this rule, add 1 5/2 inches.

If you plan to buy a bracelet with a large heavy jewel, not add to the measurements or millimeters. Better to such tight bracelets sitting on a hand, adhering tightly to the skin than dangling freely.

Bracelet without fastening

Unregulated bracelet loose enough to slide his arm, reaching the hands and below. To find out its size, squeeze the hand as if you are going to wear a bracelet, and wrap the measuring tape around the widest part of it, the one where the knuckles. Record figures with tailor tape measure or place a check mark on the measuring tape. Tape to attach the line to find the desired length.

Band Size

In Russia, there are no special measuring tape for bracelets, but in the West it is. To her it is necessary to transfer your size in centimeters to inches. Remember that one inch 2 54 centimeters. For children there are dimensions corresponding to their age:
From 0 to 6 months - 4, 5 inches;
from 1 to 1 year, 5 years - 5 inches;
from 1 to 2 years, 5 - 5, 5 inches;
2 to 3 years - 5, 75 inches;
from 4 to 5 years - 6 inches:
from 6 to 7 years old - 6 5 inches;
from 8 to 12 years - 7 inches.

Then there are adult sizes:
Tiny (Petite) - 7 inches;
Small (S) - 7, 25 inches;
Medium (M) - 7 5 inches;
Large (L) - 7, 75 inches;
Very large (XL) - 8 inches.

Tags: size, bracelet