How to choose leather gloves

How to choose leather gloves
 Fans of stylish and comfortable leather gloves have in her wardrobe, three pairs - unlined or silk liner to early autumn and spring, with a knitted lining for colder times of the year and with fur inside to frost. The most warming gloves made of suede, the least warm - from sheep's skin.
 Do not buy gloves of the pieces. They will not fit tightly hand and may soon lose the original form (a large number of joints indicates that the glove without cutting direction ductility of the skin, which means that soon becomes formless).

Genuine leather - a little hairy on the cut. However, the gloves can be made of a combination of leather and imitation leather.

Gloves have to try. They must be fit to you. In too narrow or wide gloved hands will freeze. The hand should be positioned freely in the glove and between the lining and the palm should be a small space. Do not forget that the gloves are stretched just wide. Short gloves lengthen fail.

Properly tailored glove stretches laterally to 16% of the width. Moreover, when removing the old form back. Right sized glove worn on the hand without effort, skintight brush and does not restrict movement. Fingers gloves should "sit" on the hand to the end. Fingers on the gloves do not stretch in length, but rather sit down in the process of socks.

The size range of gloves, which is used in Europe and in Russia, in line with international standards, according to which the size of the gloves is cupped in the widest part. Measure the hand "to pieces."

However, the gloves from Italy, Romania and Hungary are indicated in another way - in inches (1 inch = 2, 54 cm). In addition, it should be remembered that there are minor differences in the sizes of gloves - it depends on skin type and production. Permissible deviation - plus or minus half the size.

Pay attention to the seam between the thumb and forefinger. It is this part of the glove is exposed to a lot of stress during wear. The seam can have small cracks. However, one should carefully examine all the seams. Lines should be smooth, without gaps. Line should be lined (bonded lining quickly fall off).

Skin should be painted on the entire thickness of the layer. Slight shades, due to the characteristics of the material, but in general all the details of the gloves must be the same color. Take a paper towel, lightly moisten and rub her glove. If now there are traces of paint, what will happen with your hands?

If gloves are insulated fur, tug it. He should not have much shedding.

Tags: glove