How to choose a hair curlers

How to choose a hair curlers
 With the help of modern models of electric hair curlers, you can create any sort of hairstyle, it all depends on the flight to your imagination. Hair straight, wavy, coarse or fine swirls, zigzags, with drawings of hearts and stars easily obtained not only in beauty salons, but also at home, if you pick up the right tool you need.
 Do not choose pliers that have a metal work surface. Their use is very bad effect on the hair. Today, there are models with uniformly heat the ceramic surface. If stated that the forceps are coated with Teflon, which means that your hair will slide well during curling. A tourmaline coating eliminates electrostatic charge of hair and they retain their natural healthy glow. Not interfere with the support of the health of your hair, and also applying to the surface of the silver nanoparticles forceps having antibacterial properties.

There are more expensive models of forceps, which has built-in hair treatment with steam. Of course, this allows you to create stunning hairstyles with drawing far less damage to hair than usual.

It is also important to what temperature is heated curling iron. Usually it ranges from 100 to 200 degrees. In current models, you can see the result on the LCD. The heating rate is determined by their capacity forceps. On average it is 20 to 50 watts, which allows a complete heating for one minute. There are also more powerful professional tools, but they are heavier and it hardly makes sense to purchase their home.

Choosing tongs, determine what you want to do with them. The size of your curls depends on the diameter curling: what it is, the more natural will curl your hair. But even better, if you make your choice on the model of forceps, complete with a few tips that go. This may be the nozzle to create a large, medium and small curls, and triangular, zigzag, ripple and teksturayzery. The last ones were designed to create drawings in the form of circles, stars and hearts. Today there curling with a conical or helical shape of nozzles that allow the hair to get natural spirals of different diameters.

When the main characteristics of forceps you understand, test the favorite instrument for convenience and practicality. Firstly, make sure that the clip does not curl too tight and not faint. Try for yourself. Second, check the handle and heat unit. The handle should not slip and warm. Wire, of course, also must not be damaged. By the way, there is a model equipped with such fastening wire that rotates when you twist the hair on the forceps. In such case there will be no spiraling and you will be easier to work with him. And finally, check the stability of the forceps. Hot surface should not touch the rack unit.

Tags: buy, hair, choice, curling irons, curling tongs