How to choose a chain

How to choose a chain
 Chains are very popular among other jewelry. However, choosing the string, you must pay attention to its length, weave, thickness, shape, and so on. D. It draws attention to a chain around his neck and poor choice can emphasize a woman's age.
 Choosing the length of the product, keep in mind your tastes and structural features of the neck. If you want to chain you like twine lace, buy jewelry length of 40 cm. Universal same size for most people is considered to be of medium build a chain length of 50 cm.

Advantageously manufacturers produce chain length is a multiple of five 40, 45, 50 and 55 cm. (Sometimes possible to see the chain length of 75 and 80 cm). For the selection of the desired size obveyte neck thread, and then measure the length of the desired line and round the result to the nearest multiple of five.

Please note, a long chain of choosing to emphasize the chest, and short to demonstrate the beauty of the neck. Before buying the chain, not only to vote their own forms, but also the skin of the neck: short chain gives all her defects.

Owners aristocratic thin neck should refrain from a long chain with a pendant, giving her korotkosheim ladies, and stop short ornaments in three rows, the first of which is tight to the neck.

With regard to weave it all depends on your personal taste. Although full of female neck recommended massive chain complex weave with large units. A thin young girl's neck perfectly fit The thin product with a simple pattern.

Doubts may arise when choosing between hollow and whole ornaments. Each of them has its advantages. For example, hollow chains look more volume than the whole, moreover, they weigh less and are cheaper. However, these chains are easily deformed and broken. Repair the same hollow jewelry is quite difficult because of their structure can not withstand soldering. Hollow chains do not advise to buy children because they are unlikely to serve them for a long time.

The complexity of the repair can occur and chains with a complex weave. Often repair them can only manufacturing company, which has a special production technology.

Typically, the chain also selected on the basis of dress, status and age of the woman. Adults and respectable women wear expensive jewelry massive, and young girls are more simple and subtle.

If the chain is decorated with stone pendant, watch to be in harmony with the color of clothing.

Tags: choice chain