How to cheer yourself up shopping

How to cheer yourself up shopping
 Contrary to popular belief that all women are crazy about shopping, it's not quite true. Someone really loves to shop and buy new things, but then tormented by guilt for his tranzhirstvo. And many do hate crowds and noise encountered in supermarkets. How do you turn a shopping trip into an exciting adventure that brings a lot of positive emotions?  
 Typically, women are divided into two groups. In the most numerous are those who believe that life is one, and there's no sense to save on the good things, and deprive yourself of your favorite brand of joy from the acquisition veshchichek and trendy gadgets. It does not matter that they are very expensive, money last, and to pay even a whole week.

If you belong to this group, then shopping to cheer yourself up, you can easily. Throw away the blues, make an effort, dress, move the beauty and go to the nearest large supermarket. Slowly go around all the boutiques, without thinking about how much money you have on the card, and what the account sinenkaja blouse is in the closet. Do not skimp on their emotions. If you feel a little happier by buying a new bag - take. Since you will not die of hunger, from the apartment you will not be expelled, but the salary in a week! Feel like a child who has just received an amazing toy. Feel like day was sunnier, warmer at heart, and the thought of troubles huddled dark corner? That's right.

But what if you belong to the second group of thrifty women who know his price, any thing in the store, and life in general? You'll never make impulsive purchases, saving money with each paycheck and wear a fur coat for the fifth winter, because it still looks great. You should not think that the purchase will not be able to cheer you up. Take a break from gloomy thoughts and dedicate a day trip to the shops. Compare prices for the same products, find out which supermarket today has sales, get almost imperceptible defect on expensive things and knock a discount of 30 percent. Buy quality thing a lot cheaper than it is actually worth - is an art! And you own it to perfection. True, it's nice to know that you're all smarter and more practical? Yes and a new skirt design house known for the ridiculous price will warm the hearts of a long time.

It so happens that by chance can be a godforsaken village with only one shop in the center. And the most fashionable thing there - it's rubber boots for fishing, which will be able to cheer up unless neighbor boy. What here the fun of shopping! Perhaps it's time to remember the greatest invention of mankind. Arrange yourself walk through the online store. No one will snuffle and pushed around, pick out from under the noses of the only remaining shirt in your size and divert the attention podavtsa consultant. You can leisurely enjoy the choice to drink hot coffee and enjoy shopping, sitting on his favorite couch.

Shopping - this is probably the easiest way to remove the spleen and say goodbye with a bad mood. It distracts from the problems and experiences, switches attention to the bright and beautiful things and gives a lot of positive emotions. And remember that you can do without the necessary, but without too much - never!

Tags: SEB, mood, buy, fun