How to check a gem

How to check a gem
 In most jewelry stores stones can meet several species - grown gems, crystals are synthesized which are not found in nature imitation of glass doublets, two bonded minerals and real gems. The latter, of course, have the greatest value and worth.
 Information about natural or synthetic stone, shall be indicated on the label of the product. However, if you have any doubts, try checking gem.

Distinguish imitation of glass from natural stone is easy because of its high brittleness.

Diamond is the hardest known as crystal. If your chosen stone is the diamond, the seller is unlikely to object to the sample on the glass. When you spend on it one of the faces should stay clear scratch. Diamond can check and with water. This crystal will shine in the water, and synthetic - practically disappear.

To check the emerald take x10 loupe and examine the structure of the stone figure. If you see a typical twisted veils, spiral or tubular patterns - in front of you a synthetic emerald.

The authenticity of the garnets check with a magnet and weights. This stone has a good magnetic attraction. If it is put on the scales and balance their weights, and then bring the stone magnet (at a distance of 10-12 mm), the equilibrium is disturbed.

Checking ruby ​​first note and color purity. Large, intensely colored and flawless in nature almost never occur.

The authenticity of sapphire can be found with a magnifying glass. In the synthetic stone necessarily the gas bubbles present, the inclusion of gold and platinum, and the microstructure of the color zones.

Natural topaz can be defined to the touch - it is very slippery. In addition, synthetic topaz is usually too perfect.

Learn real zircon can without any tools - its brilliance is very similar to the sparkle of the diamond.

The first sign of natural amber - its electrification. The second way to determine the real stone - to spend on it a knife blade. Natural amber will crumble and give a synthetic chips. The third way to find amber - put it in brine (10 teaspoons per cup of water). All imitation amber, except polystyrene, sink.

This pearl is quite expensive, cheap - a sign of the artificial. Try the pearl on the tooth - a real will to creak and not artificial.

These emerald, sapphire, aquamarine, rock crystal and quartz can be determined by temperature. If you take the natural stone forceps and tongue touch it, it will be cold.

Buying products with precious stones, be sure to save labels and receipts showing all the characteristics of jewelry. If you sell a fake, you will be able to defend their rights in court.

Tags: authenticity, stone