How to change clothes

How to change clothes
 No matter how many clothes a woman, it will always be small. Therefore, it is often the fair sex there is a desire to change his wardrobe. Especially because the fashion industry gave them a lot of beautiful and stylish clothes.  
 Girls often forget about the appointment and arrange a wardrobe closet warehouse of useless things. To make room for new clothes have to say goodbye to stale clothes that are no longer worn for several years. Some of them can give relatives and friends. Some can be attributed to the nearest "center for families and children" for the poor. But the favorite old things can then alter. So they can be put out of the closet in a separate box or bag, and then close them to do.

Before going to the shop for a new wardrobe of clothes, you need to prepare yourself for a change. To do this, it is important to determine the style. Perhaps the lady tired of wearing only a sportswear. So she has to look through fashion magazines to visualize yourself in a romantic, business or extravagant style. Or maybe she wants to combine in her wardrobe several styles. It is sometimes necessary to take into account the dress code at the main place of work, where the woman usually spends most of his time.

The first step is to acquire the basic wardrobe items. These are the things which are not subject to rapid changes in fashion trends. They have to go perfectly with each other and complement each other. This clothing should be the best possible quality, because bought a long time. This classic cut skirts, trousers, combined with their respective coats or jackets and tunics and dresses. All of these things need to buy according to the figure and the growth of women.

The next step is to buy them extra things that can match the style and fashion it in the appropriate season. It can be colored turtlenecks, blouses, sweaters, jumpers, jackets and scarves. It is important that they are combined with the basic things.

It is also necessary to approach women colors to the color of her hair and skin. For example, bright brunettes often approach things saturated colors. The same goes for blondes wear and paler pastel colors. Similarly, we can determine the appropriate color, given the types of advice to women "Autumn", "Winter", "Spring" and "Summer". Harmonious whole will look clothes, chosen in one color. Then, various items of clothes can be easily combined with each other.

It is believed that a complete change of clothing a woman can simply bankrupt. This of course can happen, but there is an option to manage and without significant loss of money. Need to learn to look stylish without spending a lot. This can be achieved by mixing expensive and not very expensive things. If the style does not change, it is not necessary to buy a lot of new clothes.

To go shopping, it is necessary to allocate a large amount of time. Do not buy all in one shop, you need to walk through a few to be able to choose. Also does not hurt to make a list, so as not to pick up too much. It is also important to consider the time of year for which designed wardrobe. And provide a variety of cases, which may require one or the other clothes. For example, buy a special costume for Sunday picnics or garment for frequent road trips, if necessary.

We must take note that many things are not worth its price, and their quality is often not happy. Therefore, before buying you need to carefully examine every thing. Quality items often sold in boutiques. To save money, you can choose the days of sales. Some branded collections are regularly marked down in line with the needs of fashion. And, of course, do not forget to shoes and accessories that are sure to pick up a new wardrobe.

Tags: clothing, store, change, object, wardrobe, shopping