Confessions of a Shopaholic: Problem or lifestyle?

Confessions of a Shopaholic: Problem or lifestyle?
 Dependence on shopping - or oniomania shopogolizm, obsessive desire to shop and buy things. Man it is absolutely not care, all you need it or not, as the costs will be reflected in its budget. Shopaholics most in the United States, about 15 million people! And 52% of British women admitted that shopping gives them more pleasure than sex.
 Oniomania - this is not the latest issue of people. This syndrome for over a hundred years. Results of research scientists have shown that before buying women almost completely disappears ability to think rationally. And parts of the brain that control emotions, simply explode from the strain.

Shopogolizm, like almost all the psychological problems from childhood. Kids need attention, love, care, affection and protection. If they do not, then in adulthood still at heart are children in need in meeting the need of love. In this case, some seek solace in alcohol, others - in the casino, and the third - in the shops!

Often parents "bribes" from the concerns of their children a new toy or clothing. The child gets used to replace the love and care for mothers and fathers on the pleasure of owning a beautiful thing. Know the circumstances under which you make unnecessary purchases? Break with loved ones, problems in school or at work, quarrels - all this causes burning desire to flee to a large shopping center and wander around there all day, trying on and selecting trinkets.

But you do not decide so their problems, and closes the circle or go to the new turn of the spiral, which "winds" depression and stress. Very often you are looking at buying a home, feel guilty and angry at myself for wasting.

Low self-esteem in women is also a cause of shopogolizm. New things in this case are designed to "improve" the appearance or status position of their owner. Girls often become victims oniomania, as more emotionally sensitive than boys. Lack of communication, loneliness, boredom and frustration push the fair sex on the insatiable spending.

The line between addiction and just love new clothes is very thin. You should be wary if you lose control of himself at the sight of the bright baubles, and then feel the anger and frustration, if you spend all that is in your wallet every time you visit the store, if you need to buy there in those moments when you feel bad.

Finding these symptoms, be aware there is a problem. Find a worthy replacement for shopping. Well help different group classes, where you will be in the company, such as dancing, swimming, music, theater, yoga. Get a pet that will take you and distract from thoughts about shopping. Communicate with people, finding a person with similar problems, support each other. And of course, there is always an option to ask for help from a psychologist.

Tags: purchase, image problem, life, passion, relationship, shopping, shopogolizm