Brand winter jacket: Unlike the original from a fake

Brand winter jacket: Unlike the original from a fake
 Fake winter jacket is able to give you a lot of trouble. Firstly, there you will be cold, even when the thermometer drops below zero - absolutely not fake "holds" warm. Secondly, about a month after purchase low-quality fluff starts to come out to the outside, and wear it because of unaesthetic would be absolutely impossible.
 In order not to run into a fake when choosing a down jacket, while shopping be sure to consider the following nuances:

1. Top down jackets are manufactured in Canada, Spain and France. Factories that produce products of the country, known for its quality throughout the world. They are "beginning" of eider down, which has incomparable teplosohranyayuschimi properties. However, it is collected and processed by hand, so these jackets are very expensive. However, the price is fully justified - the quality of the feather will allow you to wear them for years. Forgery «made in China» unlikely to warm you in the winter cold: lining products consists of chicken and duck feathers with a touch of batting.

2. The corporate down jackets will be attached a small bag with a sample of the material used for packing. You have every right to disclose the bag and examine the fluff. It should be clean, dry and have no foreign odors. And if its appearance is poor - before you clear fake.

3. The fabric down jacket should be of high quality. Pay attention to the label: 100% synthetic - a sure sign of a fake. This jacket quickly gets wet in the snow, and the ski resort in this will not go. After several washes his appearance will become worthless. Corporate jacket will consist of mixed fabric with cotton content of at least 20%.

4. A good jacket is different from the "fakes" weight. Do not hesitate to ask the seller to weigh your favorite model. If the weight exceeds the potential purchase of 600 grams, give up the purchase. Most likely, in addition to fluff used in the manufacture of down jackets sintepon and chicken feathers. Worthy of your attention the product will be easy, but very warm. Forgery also will weigh 1, 5-2 killogramm, but keep you warm in the winter cold will not.

Tags: down jacket, original, fake, unlike