The Japanese diet - slimness two weeks

 There is no woman who does not dream to lose weight. Sometimes it's far-fetched problems, and there is no objective need to torture yourself with hunger strikes and grueling training on simulators. In some cases, weight adjustment is required, and then come to the aid of a varied diet, which help to become slimmer and sleeker. In this article, female site JustLady tell you about today's popular Japanese diet, which, according to reviews try it volunteers greatly helps in the fight against the hated kilograms.

The Japanese have always been thin and "lean" physique. The abundance of low-calorie foods, seafood, vegetables, rice, the use of the most benign methods of processing and cooking give the result. No wonder, the power, based on the so-called Mediterranean diet, considered the most useful and balanced. Seafood is rich in trace elements and vitamins, they contain all the essential nutrients your body.

Japanese diet menu which we present below, was developed by dietitians clinic "Yaeks." Clinic fairly well known not only in Japan but also in our country. The basis of the diet on the principle of low-calorie food, banned the use of flour products, sugar and salt. "The Japanese diet 14 days"Considered sufficiently rigid and may not suit all. On the other hand, it consists of common products, and therefore totally eliminates the risk of rejection or food allergies.

The Japanese diet, the results which is impressive, gives a good opportunity for a short time to lose 4-6 kg. But it is not a panacea in the fight against excess weight, the effect of weight loss can be kept only respecting additional rules:

• Eat a balanced and low-calorie food in the future. Any failure to do so will immediately lead to weight gain. Drink plenty of fluids, especially green tea and mineral water.
• 2-3 times a week, attend training in the gym. If going to the gym for some objective reasons, you can not do at home. Regular classes for 30-60 minutes will help tighten the skin, make the muscles flexible.
• Make it a rule at least once in two weeks to visit the bath or sauna. Water treatment, alternation of hot steam and cold douches harden the body, it is removed from the toxins and wastes.

Japanese diet menu for 14 days:

1 day - Breakfast: one cup of organic coffee (sugar in the coffee does not add!). Lunch: two boiled eggs, salad of raw cabbage, seasoned with vegetable (preferably olive) oil and tomato juice - one glass. Dinner: a small piece of fried fish.

 Day 2 - Breakfast: one cup of organic coffee (sugar exclude), toast or biscuits. Lunch: 100 g of fish (cooked or fried), vegetable salad with vegetable (preferably olive) oil. For dinner, 100 grams of beef (cooked) and a cup of yogurt (low-fat).

Day 3 - Breakfast: one cup of organic coffee without sugar, toast or biscuits. Lunch: fried in vegetable oil 200 g zucchini Dinner: two boiled eggs, 200 grams of beef (cooked) and coleslaw, seasoned with vegetable (preferably olive) oil.

Day 4 - Breakfast: one cup of organic coffee with no sugar added. Lunch: one egg (raw), 20 g parmesan, grated three large carrots with vegetable oil. Dinner: any fruit.

Day 5 - Breakfast: grated carrots drizzled with lemon juice. Lunch: fish (cooked or fried), fresh tomatoes or a glass of juice (tomato). Dinner: any fruit.

Day 6 - Breakfast: one cup of organic coffee (do not add sugar). Lunch: ½ chicken (boiled) and a salad of fresh carrots or cabbage. Dinner: two boiled eggs, grated carrot salad with vegetable (preferably olive) oil.

Day 7 - Breakfast: green tea - one glass. Dinner: 200 grams of beef (cooked) and any fruit. Dinner: option any day diet (exception - the third day).

Day 8 - Breakfast: green tea - one glass. Lunch: ½ chicken (boiled) and a salad of fresh grated carrots or cabbage. Dinner: two eggs (boiled), a salad of grated carrots, seasoned with vegetable (preferably olive) oil.

Day 9 - Breakfast: one cup of organic coffee (do not add sugar). Lunch: fish (cooked or fried), tomato juice - one glass. Dinner: any fruit.

Day 10 - Breakfast: one cup of organic coffee (no sugar added). Lunch: one egg (raw), 20 g parmesan, grated three large carrots with vegetable (preferably olive) oil. Dinner: any fruit.

Day 11 - Breakfast: one cup of organic coffee (do not add sugar), two dry biscuits. Lunch: fried in vegetable oil 200 g zucchini Dinner: two eggs (boiled), 200 grams of beef (cooked) and fresh salad with vegetable (olive) oil.

Day 12 - Breakfast: one cup of organic coffee (sugar are excluded), two dry biscuits. Lunch: fish (cooked or fried), a salad of any vegetables, seasoned with vegetable (olive) oil. Dinner: 200 grams of beef (cooked) and a cup of yogurt (low-fat).

Day 13 - Breakfast: one cup of organic coffee (do not add sugar). Lunch: two boiled eggs, fresh salad, seasoned with vegetable (olive) oil and a glass of juice (tomato). Dinner: boiled or fried fish.

Day 14 - Breakfast: one cup of organic coffee (no sugar added). Lunch: fish (cooked or fried), fresh salad, seasoned with vegetable (preferably olive) oil. Dinner: boiled beef 200 g, a cup of yogurt (low-fat).

It's hard to say why this version of the diet called "Japanese diet". Products that are recommended to be used, are not basic and familiar to Japanese food. But thisJapanese diet (comments and reviews proof) really helps to get rid of the problem of excess weight, and therefore has every right to exist. During the first two days, there may be some psychological discomfort, irritation and depression, but if you set a goal to become leaner - you're sure to overcome all difficulties and achieve results. Just do not forget the cardinal rule: following the "Japanese diet 14 days", you must strictly adhere to the specified diet. "The Japanese diet 14 days" not only helps to lose weight, but also normalizes metabolism, and is the first step to getting rid of excess weight.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: diet, slim