Skin after weight loss

 The effect is. But not what you expect? Women's magazine JustLady consider the problems that may arise with the skin after weight loss. How to preserve the beauty of the skin, read our article.

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How to get rid of sagging skin after weight loss?

Instead of fat folds - terrible stretch marks and sagging skin. Just in the places that should delight the eye with their elasticity and roundness. It is so because you were his future shape when sat on a diet. So much effort - pounds reset, and happiness as they say, still no. And every time my husband dissatisfied with frowns when he sees you in a negligee and says stupid jokes about spaniel ears ...

That's how nature and can not be helped - along with being overweight is leaving us and elastic skin. But the degree of sagging skin depends on different factors. First, of course, is the number of pounds that you lost.

Up to 10 kg - it's not as scary as you think the tone of muscle mass can be returned in a fairly short period of time at the expense of small efforts. Much time you have stood diet, afford twice a week gym, biweekly sauna and every day you can douche.

Up to 20 kg - you accomplished a feat. Change clothes and ran to aerobics! Tips fit the same as the previous group, just add a balanced diet, no carbonated beverages, regular visits to the salon with all sorts of procedures designed to prevent sagging skin. Or masks and body wraps at home.

Up to 30 kg and more - it's not only radical shake-up for the skin, but also for the whole organism. So if your weight loss is the result of a long and fruitful diet, you should consult a physician before starting a desirable and diet and after its completion. But right now we only care about the skin. Therefore, we will not apply again the benefits of sport and balanced diet, and let's face it.

If such a drastic weight loss occurred in you after the age of 30 years, then have to disappoint you: some adjustments are subject to surgery alone. But this is worth considering only two years after weight loss. It is that time will be enough to experience all of the following methods and understand - you can correct and what is not.

Universal rescue techniques skin after weight loss

Universal - so suitable for all ages and types of weight loss.

1. Douches and harsh cleansers. Tempered your skin rough and tough even touch, rub the sponge and spray the, almost cold water! Sagging folds it oh so not like it!

2. The following techniques available to any woman at home - a lotion or cream. Better with directed action against stretch marks and cellulite. Do not listen to the sighs of friends that all this makeup does not make sense - they are just lazy and do not bother to daily skin care is not only the face but also the body. Surprise them in six months - a year! But it then - but in the meantime work and more time to work.

3. Regularly remove from the skin old dead skin cells, giving a new breath. In other words, use scrubs and peels. Skin renewal will not take long. Another well-known in the circles of stars and models Council - added to his own, even the cheapest body cream mummy in the ratio of 1 to 4. Vitamins and useful elements of bee products will enrich your cream and accordingly, your skin.

4. Trite, but true - sport and sport again. Select something for everyone and make the muscle load norm. Overcome sagging skin is impossible without physical training. Therefore, since you undertook himself seriously, do not stop halfway.

5. Do not exhaust your body rejection of "fat" products! Vegetable oil, fish and dairy products. Without them it is impossible to save the woman, so her skin young. After sagging folds have formed not only on the abdomen and arms, but also the face. These hated wrinkles! Therefore, the total exclusion of products containing fats unacceptable. Also, do not forget about adequate fluid intake. At least two liters per day of clean drinking water.

Following these simple tips, you can regain the right to rejoice at her reflection in the mirror as if you were again knocked 17-ty! Lose weight for your health!

Catherine Martynov
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Ambassador, weight loss, firmness