How to eat in between diets

How to eat in between diets
 Each diet - it is a kind of test for the human body. It often happens that, after sitting a little bit on some diet frenzy with sprinkles on food and do not have time to eat. It turns out that all restrictions have been in vain. Of course it will be if you do not eat right in between diets.  
 How to eat right after the diet, what kind of life to lead, what should be the diet to get fat again? These and other questions everyone has his own answer. But sometimes it is better to heed the recommendations of a nutritionist.

Pick a special feeding schedule that would optimally suits you. Do not forget the cardinal rule: "It is better to have more often, but in small portions." Try to eat at least 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Add to the diet more vegetables and fruits. Take it a rule to the following principle: 70% of the menu - fresh fruits and vegetables and 30% - fats and animal proteins. Preference was given to fruit and vegetables that grow in your country. Such as bananas, kiwi, pineapple, etc. Is not forbidden to include in the diet, only a very small amount to its diversity.

In winter, take additional multivitamin complex, because the content of vitamins in fruits and vegetables during their winter storage is significantly reduced. The lack of vitamins in the body weakens the immune system, which leads to the risk of developing various diseases, such as acute respiratory infections and flu.

Try to minimize the consumption of bakery and confectionery products. Eliminate them entirely from the menu is not necessary, and to minimize the amount possible. All times are you - a lover of sweet, then try to consume confectionery low-fat.

Do not try to "seize" own hunger those products that came to hand. Menu is better to calculate and prepare in advance. When calculating the number of calories, do not forget to include nutritious foods that you consume.

Take a leisurely meal, various other activities at this time. Saturation of the body happens slowly, with a delay compared to the rate at which food is consumed. Reading at the table, watching TV distract from the process of eating, and thus it is possible to use a significantly larger amount of it.

Do not overeat, do not eat for the future. If you can not determine the degree of saturation of the body, then end the meal with a little peculiar sensation of hunger. Much better to use less food, but of more quality products. If possible, buy fresh, not frozen products, because they have more nutrients, and the cost is almost the same. Pay attention to the product's shelf life, and getting food on the market - on the veterinary certificate.

The harder was the diet, the more difficult it is to leave. Try to look for the one that will only benefit the body. Scientists have proved that the right to choose a diet much more successful on tight to her peers. The result is achieved more quickly and more effectively retained in mezhdietnom time interval.

Leave a diet of foods rich in carbohydrates (fruits, pasta, bread). They tone the glands of the body every day, urging that the production of its own insulin and other hormones that regulate fat and diverse number of pre-emptive the emergence of diabetes.

 Author: avtor

Tags: diet period