Diet Angelina Jolie

 What girl does not dream of that constantly catch the admiring glances of men and a little envious - girlfriends. The best way to realize his dream - to have a beautiful figure. However, slender legs, taut tummy, firm buttocks want to have everything, but not everyone can achieve their ideal. The reasons may vary, but the basic is still possible to name one - it chose the wrong way to achieve the goal.

Under the heading Lose Weight Together: how to lose weight fast for 3 days

Slim and smart and just perfect figure is not achieved by diet alone, but physically active lifestyle. And in combination with one another, and not separately. So control your weight and fitness global star Angelina Jolie. Its main secret is the rule: any number of proteins and minimum of carbohydrates and fats. However, it is the opinion of Dr. Atkins. Such a diet is suitable only for people with active lifestyles.

Angelina Jolie resorted to regular strictdiet for the filming of the movie «Salt» directed by Philip Noyce, in which Hollywood diva will play a CIA agent. For a month she dropped ten pounds. Diet is aimed at removing toxins from the body and is used in liquid food every two hours, and the exclusion of the use of solids. But such a diet to comply with the ideal, and she was unable to add to your diet a little solid food.

Angelina's husband, Brad Pitt, did not approve of the diet, in principle, because considers them dangerous to human health and argues that they do not affect the emotional state. Especially in their family situation escalated after Angelina became ill on the set. Therefore, at the time of diets Pitt leaves home. Even soAngelina Jolie diet considered sufficiently gentle to the body.

Thus, the shortestDiet Angelina Jolie lasts only two days, it is used unusual, one might even say, extravagant drink, which contains:
• mineral water - 1, 5L
• lemon juice - 400ml
• 20 grams of honey
• red pepper - 5g

And all this for one day. By the way, you can add tea or herbal drinks. You can only worry because pepper can cause you strong appetite, but, on the other hand in the diet of honey brings a lot of energy, so that the exercise would be welcomed.

The main advantage of this diet is its brevity. On the one hand, you will be able to use it, for example, before an important rendezvous, in the short term to put himself in the proper form, on the other hand, two days no serious damage to the body can not be applied.

Diet Angelina Jolie

Here's a extraordinary diet, what is going on. The nextDiet Angelina Jolie more loyal. Its meaning is that you need to take food 5 times a day, with the main drink plenty of fluids and exercise. Here is an example of such a diet:

60 grams of cereal
200 ml of skimmed milk
125 g and 50 g of bean grain bread
1 pancake and 1 egg

100g grilled salmon
Baked apple with raisins 25g

Muesli bar weighing 33 g
150 g of orange juice

130g chicken breast
150g baked potatoes
1 apple

It's not complicated, and even non-binding diet. Naturally, all the ingredients can be changed to similar. A variety of products, even encouraged.

And finally deserves to be told about anotherAngelina Jolie's diet - The longest, but, according to many, the most effective diet that includes several stages. This diet was developed by Dr. Atkins.

This diet is one of the most famous in the world, has many fans and followers. It is based on a reduced content of carbohydrates in the body. Thus, Dr. Atkins suggests that can take any food products that are rich in protein, but poor in carbohydrates and fats. It looks simple requirement, but stick with it is quite difficult to give up flour and sweet, not every woman can afford. Therefore, this gradual diet - so we can prepare our body to that soon he will be without cakes and even bread.

The first cycle eliminates the use of illegal products. Forbidden foods here are those foods that contain carbohydrates and fats. The second cycle is permitted partial product use prohibited. But the third cycle allows almost everything. Such is the seemingly simple diet - but only at first glance, because you need to very carefully monitor what you are sending into the stomach, at least in the first stage.

Here is a sample menu, which corresponds toAngelina Jolie's diet by Dr. Atkins:

For breakfast you can eat a cucumber, fish and 300 grams of tea, of course, no sugar.

During dinner, you can please yourself two eggs, mushrooms, cheese and green salad.

And for dinner - 200 grams of meat of any kind, but boiled and cauliflower, boiled again.

Here on this overviewdiets Angelina Jolie we stopped. Conclude that a diet - it is only a small part in getting rid of excess weight, and exercise is important and emotionally prepare yourself for possible stress and depression during the diet. And if you stick to a diet for a long time, your figure will look delicious and the mood will be on top!

And the last thing I want to say - this is an emotional mood. Man is so constituted that he wanted very much to do that you can not, try something that is forbidden. That's why diets so difficult to comply with, especially for extended periods. In order to be able to "work around" these sharp corners to try to replace the term "diet" concept "lifestyle". If you are not able to give up some of the product, do not rape themselves, in the end, it can get you sideways. Better to just try to limit consumption of a loved one, but harmful product to a minimum. It is clear that in this case, we are talking about long-term diets, because in the two-day diets calculation is built on their severity - in addition, two days you can bear to see the breath-taking effect!

 Julia Ivanova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: style magazine, diet, nutrition