Banana-milk diet: eating tasty and become leaner

Banana-milk diet: eating tasty and become leaner
 In pursuit of a slender figure all good. But there is a diet that you should not stick for long. They come when you need to throw 2-3 kilograms, and stick to them is worth no more than three days. This so-called mono-diet. One of them - the banana and milk. Diet is quite light and tasty, but if at the end of it you will eat as usual - weight instantly thrown back.

As the name implies, the basis of diet are milk and bananas. Milk is rich in calcium and trace elements useful as well as vitamins A, B, C and D. Also, it contains a large amount of fat required by the body. But the most delicious bananas than useful. But all the same they have a substance necessary for us - vitamin B6, folic acid and magnesium. In addition, they are well satisfy hunger and leave a feeling of satiety for a long time.

 However, eating only milk and bananas, our body loses a great number of elements necessary for its functioning. For the proper functioning of all systems necessary fats, proteins, carbohydrates, various acids and alkalis. A milk and bananas, though present nutrients, but quite sufficient. So if you decide to stick with this diet for more than 3 days - always take a multivitamin.

 How do you have to eat during the banana-milk diet? On the day you are allowed to eat three bananas and drink 500 ml of milk. Distribute meals as you like, but it is better not to eat after six in the evening. Just solved any mineral water, green tea, and coffee. But drink not add sugar, sweeteners only.

 During the first 3 days of the diet you are guaranteed to leave 2-3 pounds. But then weight loss will slow down. This is due to the fact that because of the scarcity of diet the body's metabolism changes. Feeling constant hunger, our body includes protective system and slows down all metabolic processes. This leads to the fact that the extra pounds go very slowly, or not go at all. Therefore, all the mono-diet, which include banana and milk, it is best to comply with not more than 3 days. If you want to keep it, and then - be sure to add to your diet healthy foods - eggs, vegetables, cooked lean meat and fish. Just eat small meals and a glass of milk and a banana eat for dinner. Then again, your weight will start to go away, and you will find no problems beautiful slender body.

Most importantly, what you need to remember is that you can start losing weight only after consulting with your doctor - nutritionist. He will paint you the necessary diet, explain what to do if the weight got up and recommend actions that will help speed up the metabolism.

Tags: Milk, milk, diet, banana, weight loss, review