What is cholesterol

What is cholesterol
 We have long frightened frightening word cholesterol, attributing to him all our troubles and problems with being overweight and cardiovascular disease. Most people had a strong opinion that cholesterol should be completely excluded from the diet, make him persona non grata in your daily menu. Female JustLady site will help you to understand this question, tell you how to determine the rate of cholesterol in the blood and which products really are a time bomb for our health.

Cholesterol necessary for proper functioning of the body, so all the talk about his ban or reject hazard immediately. The human body - a complex mechanism, it is often possible are determined by our attitude towards their health and observing the elementary rules of nutrition and healthy lifestyles.

Most of the cholesterol is produced in our liver receives a certain amount together with food.Cholesterol in the body does not exist as a separate element, it moves into the blood with a particular protein. These bundles of cholesterol and protein are called lipoproteins and low density and high density.

• Low-density lipoproteins - introducing cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels and are considered to be (justifiably!) "Bad".

• high-density lipoprotein - cholesterol output from the vessels, preventing the development of atherosclerosis. They are considered "good".

In other words,norm cholesterol depends not only on its level, but also the ratio of "good" and "bad" kind. In medicine, there is a special term - dyslipidemia, which represents a violation of this relation.

From the bodycholesterol outputs the liver. More specifically, it transforms it into the acid, and that is already naturally discharged to the outside through the intestine. Responsible for this process CYP7A gene and its failure leads to the accumulation of "bad" cholesterol in the body. It would not have fed people with impaired work "cholesterol" gene, as it did not limit itself to fatty foods, excess cholesterol in the blood it is provided.

Consider cholesterol

To stay slim and not fall into the risk for cardiovascular disease, it is necessary to follow the norm of cholesterol in their blood. Full analysis of lipid parameters includes triglycerides, lipoproteins, and other lipids in the blood. For primary, preventive control their condition is sufficient to check the general condition of blood cholesterol.

• 5, 2 mmol / l - normal cholesterol
• 5, 2-6, 5 mmol / l - a correction of the person
• 6 5-8mmol / l - a person belongs to a risk group
• 8 mmol / l - hypercholesterolaemia

Norma cholesterol:

 - "Good" - 1, 6 mmol / L and above
 - "Bad" - 3, 4 mmol / l or less

It is time to deal with the products and discredit (and perhaps create new) ideas about their usefulness and impact on blood cholesterol.The cholesterol content in foodUndoubtedly affect the cholesterol content in the human body. But we've already figured out that cholesterol does not only negative features "good" cholesterol helps fight obesity and atherosclerosis.Cholesterol part of the intercellular membranes involved in the production of hormones, normalize digestion and nervous activity. Therefore, the transition to a vegetarian lifestyle is unlikely to need to eat fully, including in your diet more healthy products.

Products containing cholesterol

• Meat, cheese, butter - contain saturated fats, they increase blood cholesterol.
• Soybean oil, corn oil, seafood, fish, poultry, low-fat dairy products - contain polyunsaturated fats, they lower cholesterol.
• olive oil, peanut oil, avocado and all types of nuts - contain monounsaturated fats, they lower the level of cholesterol.

Doctors recommend eating a day not more than 300 mg of dietary cholesterol, possibly replacing foods containing saturated fats in the foods with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.

Make up menu

So, we are found:

 -cholesterol small amounts needed for normal functioning of the body

 -Cholesterol in foods may be different, not all fatty foods are harmful

Tips from the female site JustLady:

• Chicken eggs contain 275 milligrams of cholesterol, so eating 3 eggs a week is the norm for an adult. Unlimited quantities can eat proteins, they do not contain cholesterol. Go on a little trick: cook an omelet of three proteins and one yolk - tasty and healthy.
• Try to eat less pork and beef fat, lean beef and veal - a great choice for those who are going to fight bad cholesterol.
• Eat fruits and vegetables, they contain antioxidants that help to bring cholesterol from blood. And vitamins and minerals contained in them, you will add vitality and your skin a healthy glow.
• Allow yourself a little red wine, it lowers cholesterol levels, has beneficial effects on cardiac function.

What else you need to pay attention to a person wishing to bring their health in order, a man for whom the phrase "norm cholesterol"Is not an empty phrase? Physical activity! Make it a rule to devote daily physical activity in any form for at least 30 minutes a day. Intense exercise help remove the" bad "cholesterol, Make a figure slimmer and more positive mood.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: product Cholesterol