Female alcoholism is incurable?

Female alcoholism is incurable?
 Unsettled personal life, lack of friends, loss of friends and relatives, as well as many other factors are the reason that a woman begins to abuse alcohol. First she drinks occasionally, so to speak, to set the mood or to relieve stress, but gradually begin to increase the dose of alcohol, as drunk all the existing problems do not seem quite so scary.
 In today's society, especially in our country, in every way a woman drinks a censure and condemn. Many people believe that if a woman start to drink alcohol, then there is nothing you can not help, because the female alcoholism is incurable. And if in the developed European countries, a woman is free to consult a doctor in Russia, few people dare to take this step because of the same opinion. Moreover, that few are willing to make this side of his life on the judgment outsider.

Another problem of female alcoholism is that not all of the fairer sex are aware that they have this problem. They think that drinking a little alcohol, they just relax, but not addicted. They even can not always see how much the drinker of alcohol increases. If the first woman drank a glass of wine, then over time this can turn into a glass bottle and no one, and even not in a bottle of wine and something more robust.

With the help of alcoholic beverages woman trying to get away from any problems in your life. Perhaps she broke up with someone you love, or her troubles at work, and maybe she experienced the death of a person dear to themselves. And if its not surrounded by people with whom she could talk to who would support her in difficult times, it is likely she will resort to the help of a bottle. We've not made in the country to go to psychologists, but alcohol - is available and, as it seems to many people, an effective way of dealing with problems.

It happens that a woman begins to drink, even if she has a family. Here again the causes of alcoholism are more likely to be associated with her psycho-emotional state. Maybe it is something not satisfied in family life, but to sit down and talk about the torments her doubts she was afraid, so starts drinking. And the rest of the family can be a long time do not realize that their mother, wife, daughter abuse alcohol.

Women who are addicted to alcohol, trying in every way to hide their addiction. They drink alone or in the company of her friends, who also have some problems. Sometimes it clear that the lady is suffering from alcoholism, can only change in her appearance and behavior. Excessive consumption of alcohol leads to the fact that fresh, ruddy complexion is replaced by edema, bags under the eyes, pale. Woman looks older than his years. And changing character, it becomes more aggressive, irritable, often resorts to lies and brutality.

But, despite all the difficulties and the belief that female alcoholism is incurable, with it can and must be fought. And for successful treatment is very important to close there were people who would support a woman in her efforts to deal with addiction. In this case, in any case can not be condemned woman. Censure can only exacerbate the problem, but does not benefit. Still need to find a good specialist that gently and unobtrusively fail sick to the fact that treatment is necessary, and will appoint him.

Additional sources:

  • Female alcoholism is incurable?
 Author: Olga Bezruchko

Tags: alcoholism