Diet slimming thighs and abdomen

Diet slimming thighs and abdomen
 Diet slimming thighs and abdomen becomes particularly relevant with the onset of the summer season. After all, light short dresses and beach swimwear not look overtly "protruding region."

Diet weight loss diet abdomen and thighs

According to nutritionists, protruding belly fat is not only, but also a consequence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. To cleanse the body is necessary to conduct a radical cleansing the bowel, but this should not be afraid. You will not need to go to a colonoscopy every day or do an enema. You just need to change your diet to include as much fiber, which is a part of plant foods: grains, vegetables, fruits and berries.

An important condition for slimming thighs and abdomen is to reduce caloric intake to 1200-1400 calories and almost complete exclusion of simple sugars and animal fats.

Give up alcohol and carbonated drinks. Try to eat a fractional, except for the 3 main meals, allow 2-3 snacks.

During the diet, especially in the compulsory inclusion of fiber in the diet, drink plenty of savory liquid better if it will melt water.

Sports during the diet

Exercise №1: lie on your right side and lean on the floor right arm bent at the elbow. To provide additional support to the position near the left hand to the right. Focusing on the feet and elbows, lift your hips off the floor and hold in the top of the movement for about 20 seconds and return to starting position. Repeat this exercise 15 times and turn to the other side.

Exercise №2: lie on your back, lift your legs in such a way as to form a right angle. Raise your upper body, hands trying to touch your toes. Repeat 15-20 times.

Exercise №3: Take your hands and the floor. Lift straight legs so that they form an acute angle with the surface, tear off your hands off the floor and maintained in this state for 10-15 seconds, then return to starting position. Repeat 15-20 times.

During weight loss diet abdomen and thighs every day to devote at least 15-20 minutes to complete the exercise.

Diet slimming abdomen and thighs has its own characteristics and rules, but in general does not differ from other methods of weight loss.

Tags: belly, diet, hip, exercise, weight loss