5 non-traditional methods of weight loss

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 Most people who want to lose weight, know that those extra pounds "without a fight" do not give up. Even the most strict diet does not always lead to the desired weight loss. Those who are tired of the constant calorie counting and food restrictions, you should pay attention to innovative strategies to lose weight.

This method assumes no food restrictions. Its effectiveness is based on the fat burning properties of some herbs. Herbs normalize the body's metabolism, promote accelerated splitting of fat cells and reduce appetite.

Most slimming suit charges of several components, taken in equal proportions. For example, complement each other well, birch leaves, leaves and roots of burdock, nettle, wheat grass, striped, horsetail, bloodroot goose, knotweed, chamomile flowers. Taking the herbal dry mixture of 500 g per 10 liters of water. Pour boiling water over it and allow to infuse for 45 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and poured into the bath. The water temperature should not exceed 37C. It is best to take fitovanny bedtime for 10-15 minutes. At a rate of 10 is recommended that the procedures followed by a break of 1 month.


The method consists in the fact that man is introduced into a trance state and "coded" for weight loss. Coming out of the hypnosis, the patient gets rid of increased appetite. It becomes easier to control portion sizes and to refrain from overeating.

To maintain the long-term effect is additionally used special audio and video clips containing subliminal messages. When viewing and listening to these recordings in humans is enhanced motivation for weight loss and strengthening installation failures from harmful food.


By the surgery is only in extreme cases when there is objective medical evidence, such as pathological forms of obesity. During the operation on the top part of the stomach impose a special ring (band). It divides the body into two, connected by a narrow passage.

Food enters first into the top (small) ventricle, which is filled pretty quickly, sending signals to the brain about the saturation. Man feels satiety, even some excessive fullness and stops there. With this method of weight loss can wait no longer, because daily calorie intake drastically reduced.

Massage and Acupuncture

These alternative methods of weight loss based on the external effects on the body. When activated by acupuncture points on the skin of the person associated with the liver and spleen. According to experts, the violation of the activities of these bodies leads to the formation of excess fat.

Therapeutic massage normalizes blood circulation and helps to speed up metabolism. Thus, adipose tissue rapidly cleaved, releasing the stored energy. People not only lose weight, but also gets a charge of vivacity.


Especially valuable for those who want to lose weight are emerald and turquoise. To use them is available in the form of jewelery, talismans and amulets. These stones restores hormonal system malfunctions which are often the cause of the extra pounds.

Turquoise has soothing properties and awakens the creative energy of man. Balanced and enthusiastic person less "stuck" problems, and thus effectively lose weight. Emerald also helps fight bad habits, which can be attributed, and gluttony.

Tags: way, weight loss, method, technique