The method works with the program "25 fps slimming"
Slimming technique using a 25 frame is a kind of programming the subconscious human weight reduction. Disc slimming installed on your computer and regularly monitor displays images that are constantly changing, creating video images.
Painstakingly created by rapid weight loss technique is designed so that each frame 25 has some information that is imperceptible to the eye. On a subconscious level, the human brain perceives and records obtained by passing data, and therefore sends pulses indicative specifying the setting that adjusts human behavior. In other words, the method of the frame 25 is a kind of encoding human central nervous system for rapid weight loss.
Experts recommend to start using the program "25 fps slimming" gradually. In the first 3 weeks, use it no more than 30 minutes a day, then take a break for about 1 week. Next, a further three weeks use "slimming frame 25 'for 30 minutes daily.
So, repeat 3 times.
This version of the application of the methodology is not unique. You can be at your computer with the included program "25 fps" and longer, on average, 1-3 hours a day. Which way to give preference - you decide.
The number of pounds lost depends primarily on the amount of time spent at the computer, as well as the individual characteristics of your body.
Advantages of the method "25 fps slimming"
The main advantage of this technique is its absolute harmlessness, because your subconscious mind itself determines how best it should get rid of excess weight. In addition, the program "25 fps" is different still and unobtrusive, it will not distract you from your work computer. However, be careful if you want to download the program "25 fps" from the Internet free of charge. It may be ineffective or even harmful.
Drawbacks "25 shot for weight loss"
With all the indisputable advantages of this method of weight loss, it is not yet fully understood. Psychologists can not exactly explain how it affects the subconscious mind "25 fps" and affects it at all. The effectiveness of this method of weight loss - it is more than facts and assumptions.
Currently on the Internet you can find a huge number of comments on the program "25 fps slimming." Someone she helped, and someone - no. But the best performance verification - experience first hand.