Vacuum Tumbler lip

Vacuum Tumbler lip
 In our time, there were certain standards of beauty, and bright full lips have become one of them. On the covers of magazines smiling at us full of half-open lips, because of which the shining white teeth. Well, once standards are established, they need to comply with ...

And women heroically go to great lengths not to disappoint the man of her dreams, or even disinterested worship of beauty: inflated lips silicone resort to Botox injections, decided on surgery ... It's not cheap and unsafe procedures often lead to unpredictable results and intractable consequences. Everyone probably can cite the example of sacrifice desire for beauty.

Fortunately, now we'll have another way out, painless and safe. In the US, invented a wonderful device - Vacuum Massager lip. It not only increases the amount of sponges, but also smoothes wrinkles around the mouth - and the result will probably be even more important. The authors called their invention Luscious Lips. It looks like a tube with an arcuate extension on the end. In the operating mode in the tube creates a strong vacuum air. Under the action of enhanced blood flow to the area of ​​the lips and around them, whereby the lips increase in volume by 50%. This procedure, according to the assurances of the authors, it is absolutely safe and completely painless.

Use a vacuum massager lip can ladies of all ages. It will be useful to those who have never resorted to any plastic procedures, and those who injected collagen in the lips. Natural blood flow rejuvenate lips and the skin around them. Surgeon's scalpel will not damage delicate tissues, and postoperative complications will not leave marks on the sinister face of a woman who was not lucky. No longer need to read the messages in awe that the silicone may carcinogen, while Botox discovered some unpleasant side effects. Particularly pleased with affordable price at which the massager is sold in US stores - only $ 50. Our ladies can buy this device from online stores.

Its only drawback - the effect plump lips persists for 4-5 hours. Although perhaps this is another advantage? There is nothing more dangerous irreversible interventions, and here every woman can adjust the effect on your own.

Tags: lip