Paraffin: Secrets of application

Paraffin: Secrets of application
 Paraffin presents an excellent opportunity to make the skin of hands and feet smooth and taut. Such a mask of wax tones, improves blood circulation, helps to smooth fine lines and wrinkles. It is believed that the use of paraffin is possible only in a beauty salon. In practice at home doing wax wrapping is not so difficult.  
 Masks from paraffin have unique properties. They saturate the skin with moisture, the pores expand, opening them to penetrate deep into useful substances function as a light massage.

Home paraffin based on the use of special cosmetic wax that does not contain harmful additives and dyes, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Further enrich the mask can be various additives: aloe, lemon, peach.

Need to be prepared for the fact that the procedure will require quite a lot of wax, as the hands and feet must be fully immersed in the liquid. Usually about two pounds melt the wax, paraffin person only requires a much smaller amount. Melt the wax can be in a water bath or in a microwave oven operating in defrost mode.

After the wax becomes a liquid, it hands immersed previously washed and lubricated cream. The temperature of the wax is tried with a fingertip. It should not be too hot. During the mask is not necessary to be afraid of burns, as low thermal conductivity contributes to the gradual impact of paraffin heat. Because of this the skin temperature rises slightly, by 2-3 degrees, but this is enough to soften the horny layer of the skin.

Immersing the hands or feet in paraffin, it is necessary to pull them, wait until the excess wax will drain and throw up again. On the skin should have two or three layers of wax. After that limb wrapped polyethylene at hand can be put gloves. Paraffin is maintained on the skin for half an hour and then removed. To achieve the results of the procedure should be carried out course.

Paraffin home has minimal contraindications. You can not make a mask with existing skin lesions, high blood pressure or diabetes mellitus.

Tags: domestic, condition a secret, paraffin, application