Business with pleasure: Cedar fitobochka

Business with pleasure: Cedar fitobochka
 There are things, the effectiveness of which can be themselves, and not to paint. It is already on the surface. Cedar - a unique tree, contains many medicinal properties, as it is difficult to even imagine. Nuts, oil, bark, pine needles, wood - all can be used in medicine. Since ancient times cedar worth its weight in gold. Very colorfully about the amazing properties of cedar writes Vladimir Maigret in the book "or Anastasia Ringing Cedars of Russia".

Cedar fitobochka - a mini steam, adapted specifically for use in small spaces. First pair of cedar were invented by scientists Buddhist monks in ancient times. In addition to relaxing and rejuvenating effect, cedar fitobochka promotes cures many, even chronic diseases of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, internal organs (kidneys, blood vessels, urinary-genital system). However, we must be careful to those who suffer from hypertension, since these people are completely forbidden steam, even one in which the head is above the surface of the pair. Cardiovascular diseases should also be used with caution cedar fitobochki.

What is this new yet for the average unit? Conventional barrel circular, oval, square or hexagonal shape as well as a horizontal oval. In the latter can lie down and relax completely. Horizontal barrel less compact, while the vertical can easily accommodate a standard room bathroom. Inside the barrels are located ladder for descent grid mat and seat with armrests, which can be comfortably. In the barrel hole built to drain the water, and steam generator is out of the container. There, the steam generator is a tank for fitosborov or essential oils. Use of various additives improves procedures.

As mentioned above, the head is above the surface of the pair, respectively, the temperature inside the drum is concentrated and warms the whole body very well. The procedure takes about 15 minutes.

Thus, without leaving your home, you can combine business with pleasure: visit the good guys and get healthier, get energized, positive emotions.

Tags: cedar barrel, steam, useful fitobochka