Star image: Stylist Rachel Zoe

Star image: Stylist Rachel Zoe
 Rachel Zoe is considered one of the most popular Hollywood stylists. She puts dozens megazved - from Eva Longoria and Demi Moore to Keira Knightley and Cameron Diaz. At the same time, Rachel and she does not remain in the shadows: its star style has long been a subject for imitation.
 Recently, Rachel often pulled criticism. A lot of reasons: excessive thinness on the verge of anorexia, promoting tanning manner to alter the style of the stars "for themselves." But no matter what, Rachel Zoe is incredibly popular and in demand, and each its publication understands the bones fashion bloggers and fans.

Star gladly copy the style of Rachel, and this is not surprising. It has long formed its own image, which is worthy of detailed consideration and imitation.

Despite the fact that not so long ago became a mother Rachel, thinness and fit remain its key principles. Stylist not just limit yourself to food, but also regularly engaged in jogging, pilates and yoga. It is possible some pictures of her in a bikini is actually very doubtful, because they Zoe looks more haggard. However it looks, without exaggeration, as a stunning designer dresses and clothes in the style of casual.

Over the years, Rachel does not change his hair: blond curls uncool just below the shoulders. Sometimes it makes other styling, opening the face, but still most often you can see it in that manner.

Very rarely changes and makeup stylist. Contrary to stereotypes make-up, she boldly focuses on the eyes and lips, preferring rich shades of lipsticks and clearly highlighting the circuit. Moreover, with a complete makeover Rachel can be seen even on the beach: this fact is also often criticized. However, one thing remains unchanged: Zoe always flawless.

Rachel Zoe, as a leading trendsetter and changed many stars in skirts maxi. Today, such a length of the most important not only in the carpet, but also in the everyday style. At the same time, Rachel constantly reiterates that maxi looks organically by only a slim figure - and his own example proves this.

Many copy the style of Zoe combine accessories. It is easy to share and eclecticism combines different styles bracelets, boldly puts massive necklace, tying scarves in unusual ways. Rachel knows how to wear things like she did not think for a second that and how to wear. Perhaps that is why the public is so active copies its unusual and original images.

Tags: image stylist, Rachel Zoe