Modeling standards: body proportions 90h60h90

Modeling standards: body proportions 90h60h90
 Cherished numbers 90h60h90. How many women dream of measuring one figure discover that achieved these results. But in reality, so if the standard is ideal? Parameters such figures are not suitable for all women, for someone to meet them is not possible, without causing serious damage to health, and someone lucky - a figure fit model standards, but only in the mirror is still not satisfied.

The main reason that a lot of women from around the world dream to meet the standards of the model is that the voice of fashion requires them to be just such a figure parameters. As if hypnotized, women expose themselves to exhausting diets, if only those same numbers were achieved. But if you look at the result, whether or not anorexic fashion models have such wonderful shape? What is the reason that this strange ideal accepted worldwide?

There are several theories as to how it emerged and become so popular these most common number. The main hypothesis is that the model of the ideal figure was created by the producers of clothing. 90-60-90 - is the size, which is simple and easy to design dresses. Mannequin to demonstrate clothing had to have proportions that are convenient for designers, and over time it happened that the same standard to become the main female figure, despite the fact that most women it is not matched.

If the main task of clothing for men, except for its practical function - is to make them beautiful and emphasize the dignity of the figure, the mere fact that the designers began to create clothing as art, has spawned an entirely different approach. Model is needed, first and foremost, for the demonstration of clothes, in this case it is simply a living mannequin, focusing not on her, and dress. Fashion designers create a collection of clothes, and the girls just show it.

Despite the fact that there is talk about what's hot more vibrant and natural female figures, which do not meet the standard 90-60-90, it is unlikely in the near future on the catwalks will be a model to other standards. To the fashion world really recognized the fact that women do not match the ideal mannequin that each of them has its own personality and beauty, it is necessary that it is realized by the women themselves.

So far, most of the girls are ready to go to all sorts of hardships, even cause serious harm to your health, but have an "ideal" figure. Every year from anorexia and bulimia dies a lot of girls, whose natural gifts are such that to maintain the cherished standards they simply can not - it causes irreparable harm.

Of course, all this does not mean you have to rush to each favorite food and overeat them favor Exercise also has not been canceled. Just every woman should soberly look at myself in the mirror, understand what exactly its true beauty. Standardized proportions rarely suitable living people, and this applies not only to questions about the size of clothes.

And if we imagine that all would be possessed by such figures would be just boring, is not it? Really beautiful figure looks healthy and proportional. Just remember that the most beautiful women in history had the proportions, very far from the standard 90-60-90.

Tags: the proportion of body