Improve the growth of eyelashes help vegetable oils - castor, Dog rose, sea buckthorn, which have a few drops of vitamin A or carrot juice.
Castor oil - a universal remedy to strengthen, improve the structure and growth of eyelashes. It is applied to the eyelashes for 10 minutes and clean brush mascara or a cotton swab. Wash off the oil with warm water. Castor oil can also be used to remove the mascara.
Superbly grow eyelashes, which are treated with a mixture of equal parts of castor oil and rum. Stimulates the growth of eyelashes and almond oil. Growth of eyelashes and prevention of hair loss and promotes peach burdock
For effective care of eyelashes can prepare a mixture of oils: almond, castor, pink, flaxseed, grape seed oil and wheat germ oil. Not necessarily use all of the oil, can take only 2-3 of them to choose from.
Oil elixir for eyelashes prepared by mixing equal quantities of castor oil and oil extracts of chamomile and calendula. Chamomile extract acts as an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent, and marigold extract soothes and relieves itching, strengthens the follicle eyelashes and improves its structure. The mixture of oils may be used even in the treatment of conjunctivitis and barley.
To strengthen and improve the growth of eyelashes can be prepared a balm with aloe. To do this, take the same amounts of burdock and castor oil are added to a solution of vitamin E oil and aloe juice. Apply balm for eyelashes as mascara at night for a month.
May be formulated for eyelash massage mix: 1 tsp castor oil, add chopped parsley and a bit of aloe juice. This mixture is rubbed into the eyelids once a day for 1 month. Massage helps nutrients to better penetrate the skin age, and therefore - reinforces their action.
When caring for lashes need to make sure that oil does not fall on the membrane of the eye. Otherwise remain on the eye feeling oily film, which will be difficult to remove.