How to make up cat eyes

How to make up cat eyes
 One popular make-ups is a "cat's eye". It allows you to make your face expressive and visually enhances the eye. Corner of the eye, as it were stretched through the painted arrows. This makeup is selected successful and self-confident girls who love male attention and flirtation.
 First you need to choose the most favorable color. This makeup combines well with any color shade, therefore refer only to their own taste. For daytime makeup can choose matte pastel shades, and for the festive and evening make-up - bright colors, you can use shadows to shine.

It is very important to pay attention to the training of persons applying makeup. Considered necessary step facial cleansing. After that it is applied makeup base, followed by a masking agent. Eyelids shadows completely covered selected.

Then comes the most important and crucial point - drawing arrows. On how you strike them, will depend your entire image. If you hurry and draw the line uncertain, it will curve. It is best to start with the upper eyelid. But note that it in no way be put off to the side, as it often leads to the fact that the line is curved. Apply liquid liner confident gesture, starting from the inner corner and working your way to the outside. It is important that the line as close to the lashes. The closer the outer corner of the eye - the thicker the line should be. Near the edge of the century, the line must be gently bend upward.

Upon completion of the upper eyelid to start at the bottom. It is applied in the same way from the inner corner of the eye to the outside. Both lines must be in gently to combine. A piece of skin between the lines prisoner best paint liner. Inner corner of the eye is brought by any dark shade.

It is believed that the thinner lines - the more modest looks makeup and vice versa, the thicker the line - the sexier and exquisite looks complete image.

Special attention is paid to the eyebrows. They should have a clear form, which can be done with a pencil, special shades and wax. At the end of dye eyelashes. They have to look long and well separated.

Tags: eye makeup