Take your time and visit the therapist. Better to understand the cause of dark circles under the eyes, and after that to start a battle with them. Otherwise, your efforts can be directed to the other side, and the problem persists. The doctor will determine what the cause of the problem and prescribe the necessary examination.
If you are healthy and under-eye circles consequence of chronic fatigue or lack of sleep, then first of all try to catch up on sleep and a good walk in the fresh air. This will improve the blood supply, and if the cause of the community it is in stagnation of blood around the eyes - the problem will disappear gradually, and will look fresh.
If under-eye circles have emerged as an allergic reaction to mascara or eyeshadow, then to remove them, you can use oil of neroli.
Several recipes of traditional medicine to eliminate shadows under the eyes.
Potato mask. Grate potatoes and wrap it in cheesecloth and place it on the eyelids and hold for 15-20 minutes. After that, on the lower eyelid, apply the cream with vitamin A and E. After 10 to 15 minutes, then remove the traces of cream and mask with a cotton pad soaked in a solution of tea.
Ice Mask. Brew pharmacy chamomile, strain the broth through a cheesecloth, let it cool and make it ice. Pieces of ice wrap in a plastic bag and put it under your eyes for five minutes.
You can replace the pieces of ice tea bags. To do this, first pour over boiling water, then cool in the refrigerator and put it under your eyes.
Packs of cheese. Wrap spoonful of cottage cheese wrapped in cheesecloth and place on eyelids for 10 minutes.
Green mask. Mix 2 teaspoons of grated raw potatoes with chopped parsley leaves. This mass wrap in cheesecloth, place on eyelids for 15-20 minutes, then rinse and apply a nourishing cream.
Modern cosmetic industry also offers special funds for the fight against the dark circles under the eyes. Their operating principle is also based on improving the blood supply to the thin eyelid skin. Try to turn a few different creams and choose the one you like best. Remember, in order to understand how well this cream, you need to use at least two months.
In case of emergency, use masking cosmetic pencil.
Do not be lazy and do exercises for the eyes.
For example, set in front of a pendulum clock and watch his movements, without turning his head.
Another very effective exercise: Gaze at any point located far away from you, it is desirable that the object was green.